I tried all different ways to get MFA triggers to work with CAS and let the 
user decide which one to use, scenarios I tested,

Groovy Per Application- only works for single provider

Principal Attribute - used multi-valued attribute in ldap, set to mfa-gauth 
and mfa-webathn, but CAS will pick one and not let user decide

REST - Only works if it returns a single provider

Principal Attribute Per Application -  Only works if it returns a single 

Since those trigger weren't working to let user decide the provider, I 
decided to activate globally


and then used bypass rules such as groovy for each provider using 


boolean run(final Object... args) {
    def authentication = args[0]
    def principal = args[1]
    def service = args[2]
    def provider = args[3]
    def logger = args[4]
    def httpRequest = args[5]

    if (service.name == "myservicename") {
        logger.info("Evaluating principal attributes 

        def bypass = principal.attributes['eduPersonAffiliation']
        if (bypass.contains("staff")) {
            logger.info("Bypass for principal ${principal.id} is not 
            return true
    return false

this works to allow selection if the script returns true but if it return 
false CAS just sits at the MFA selection screen blank because no providers 
should be used. I would assume this is a bug or mis-config because if no 
providers are found it should continue to login to application.

I don't really know what else to try or how to get multiple MFA providers 
to work based on attribute and value

Any help with this would be appreciated

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