[cas-user] Re: CAS 5.0.6, VersionResourceResolver and Cache-Busting

2019-08-30 Thread Sam Hough
Alternative solution (definitely not saying better): Have own version of cas-theme-default.properties cas.standard.css.file=/css/cas.css?v=${project.version} cas.admin.css.file=/css/admin.css?v=${project.version} cas.javascript.file=/js/cas.js?v=${project.version} Get Maven to "filter" this file

[cas-user] Re: CAS 5.0.6, VersionResourceResolver and Cache-Busting

2018-01-13 Thread John Sampson
Solved it. Turns out this was simply a 'PEBCAK' problem; most likely due to a missing annotation and misunderstanding of the SpringStandard dialect. I'll post the solution here the event that anyone needs it when upgrading CAS versions and switching between new and old versions with a network

[cas-user] Re: CAS 5.0.6, VersionResourceResolver and Cache-Busting

2018-01-12 Thread John Sampson
Some further information... We now think that perhaps this issue is due to the the Thymeleaf configuration and are investigating that. Reasoning: Using this blog as a base and modify it's source example