[cas-user] Re: CAS Management 6.6.1 - CAS Services Entries Not Editable

2023-03-29 Thread robertoschwald
Same here. The effect here is, that in ngOnInit() line 84 it is asynchronously performing this.loadService(data.resp), but in line 89 of form.component.ts, the form is used synchronously. https://github.com/apereo/cas-management/blob/6.6.x/webapp/cas-mgmt-webapp-workspace/projects/management/src

[cas-user] Re: CAS Management 6.6.1 - CAS Services Entries Not Editable

2023-03-02 Thread Phil Hale
Just an update on this issue. The previous issue was reported in my Test Environment. I upgraded my Production Environment today, minus the OIDC/Oauth2 modules, and the issue is now happening there. This seems to be an issue with CAS-Management and not related to deploying OIDC/Oauth 2. Phi