Any help on this matter ? 

Can't see what's wront here

Le mardi 27 juin 2023 à 16:09:59 UTC+2, Jérémie a écrit :

> Hi,
> I'm pretty new to cas (6.6.8) and I'm trying to connect an test 
> application to my CAS server using OIDC. I'm used to Okta, Auth0, etc so 
> OIDC is not new to me, just CAS configuration.
> My Cas is also connected to an AD to sign in. 
> This is my Cas server configuration using OIDC module 
> (org.apereo.cas:cas-server-support-oidc) : 
> # Server
> server.port=443
> # SSL
> server.ssl.enabled=true
> server.ssl.key-store=file:{path}
> server.ssl.key-store-password=xxx
> server.ssl.key-password=xxx
> # CAS
> cas.server.prefix=${}/cas
> cas.logout.followServiceRedirects=true
> cas.authn.accept.enabled=false
> # Active Directory
> cas.authn.ldap[0].type=AUTHENTICATED
> cas.authn.ldap[0].ldapUrl=ldap://localhost:389
> cas.authn.ldap[0].useStartTls=false
> cas.authn.ldap[0].baseDn=DC=AAA,DC=BBB
> cas.authn.ldap[0].search-filter=(sAMAccountName={user})
> cas.authn.ldap[0].subtreeSearch=true
> cas.authn.ldap[0].bindDn=USER
> cas.authn.ldap[0].bindCredential=XXX
> # OIDC settings
> cas.authn.oidc.core.issuer=https://URL/cas/oidc
> cas.authn.oidc.core.skew=5
> cas.authn.oidc.jwks.file-system.jwks-file=file:C:\Program Files\Tomcat 
> 9.0\etc\cas\config\keystore.jwks
> # Encryption/Signing keys
> cas.tgc.crypto.encryption.key=SN7Vpa8oHvXfh2hDZp8ANxZGRkF1DvKbYLTy_Vip2dI
> cas.tgc.crypto.signing.key=KwbtZl2y5sidXFMShjVm4PiGwjVQ0Fq-ZBp0A_HUK6IOnoS2h0E5cSfp7vy8uioqX04yKIBXcU0kUm6DRuPCZQ
> cas.webflow.crypto.signing.key=MltIqyj_vGFgZKFfw8vmoqYIYYu_KEU20AyZaAIDZl_Xjhl0ZGpPNe4h4N7-8p1_pNi-s97TQKb1-INp9VEwEA
> cas.webflow.crypto.encryption.key=3Mh_pdDFLPCMgacDL6z8SQ
> ---
> This is my /etc/config/services file : 
> {
>   "@class": "",
>   "serviceId": "https://localhost:3000/callback";, --> my app URL
>   "name": "OIDC",
>   "id": 1,
>   "clientId": "41ff9715-bd3e-473c-9888-e2d5a1364c2a",
>   "clientSecret": "SECRET",
>   "bypassApprovalPrompt": true,
>   "generateRefreshToken": true,
>   "evaluationOrder": 10000
> }
> --- 
> This is my test application config (Node.js app) : 
> {
>   "domain": "",
>   "clientId": "41ff9715-bd3e-473c-9888-e2d5a1364c2a",
> }
> This application was used for other IdP so it won't come from this. When 
> hitting login on it, this is the /authorize URL I'm getting redirected to : 
> *https://URL/cas/oidc/authorize?client_id=41ff9715-bd3e-473c-9888-e2d5a1364c2a&
> <https://URL/cas/oidc/authorize?client_id=41ff9715-bd3e-473c-9888-e2d5a1364c2a&>*
> The issue is that I'm getting redirected to a CAS page, but saying 
> "Authorization 
> Denied". I'm not getting redirected to the authentication page or anything 
> like that : 
> [image: firefox_u32LfLkefz.png]
> I'm not finding anything on the net for this.
> Thanks for any help !

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