On Tue, 21 May 2019 05:32:35 -0700 (PDT)
Andy Ng <long...@gmail.com> wrote:

> instead of cas.standalone.config=/etc/cas/config
> - bootstrap.properties load before application.properties or 
> application.yml, that's why your modification didn't work
> - One way to do it (I don't know if recommended or not...)
> is to put your cas.standalone.config: 
> /etc/cas/config inside *bootstrap.yml* instead
> - yml load after properties, so bootstrap.yml will override 
> bootstrap.properties.

Thank you, Andy.

This worked like a charm. For anyone interested, I have now


in the <profile> section of the pom.xml, and the command

mvn -Pldap1 clean package

fills the values in my src/main/resources/bootstrap.yml, which reads

    config : ${casStandaloneConfig}
    name : ${springApplicationName}

> I also agrees that using config is the sometime the better option, 
> especially when you already have a system to manage config files,
> just didn't see the benefit of switching to spring config.

Sure, I'll look into spring config, but at this stage I'm just
trying to avoid brain overload.

Thank you very much again,

Alberto Cabello Sánchez
Servicio de Informática
Universidad de Extremadura

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