ently discussed on the list:
José Miguel Parrella Romero (bureado.com.ve) PGP: 0×88D4B7DF
Debian DeveloperCaracas, VE/Quito, EC
You are currently subscribed to cas-user@lists.jasig.org as
rom Apache.
Then, all you need to do is to trust the REMOTE_USER server variable,
some applications already do that, say, Trac.
José Miguel Parrella Romero (bureado.com.ve) PGP: 0×88D4B7DF
Debian DeveloperCaracas, VE/Quito, EC
You are currentl
be available in the
DBCP release of Apache Commons:
However you should have jars for Commons inside the CAS release, I think.
José Miguel Parrella Romero (bureado.com.ve) PGP: 0×88D4B7DF
Debian Developer
José Miguel Parrella Romero escribió:
> I'm trying to define two beans for BindLdapAuthenticationHandler but the
> expected behaviour (falling back to the second bean) is not working for
> me, these are my beans in deployerConfigContext.xml:
My bad. It's working. The probl
Am I missing something else for automatic fallback of these beans?
Note that I'm not using credentials-to-principal resolvers, maybe I need
to set them up as in Eric's example?
Thanks for your time,
José Miguel Parrella Romero (bureado.com.ve) PGP: 0×88D4B7DF
ie is on the last response's request
# and also on the cookie jar BTW
return { 'cookie' => $response->request->header('cookie') };
undef $ua; undef $response; # ... more housekeeping.
# TGT is lost. It's up to the developer how to handle this cookie
ere it excels.
As soon as I get consumable error messages with semantics related to the
password policy and SAML with user attributes working, I think the road
is ready for browser-only CAS for me in new deployments.
- --
José Miguel Parrella Romero (bureado.com.ve) PGP: 0×88D4B7DF
with stacked JAAS setups... or multiple CAS servers
which would definitely be a 'less than ideal' setup, I think.
- --
José Miguel Parrella Romero (bureado.com.ve) PGP: 0×88D4B7DF
Debian DeveloperCaracas, VE/Quito, EC
ned in ServletContext
resource [/WEB-INF/restlet-servlet.xml]: Instantiation of bean failed;
nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/objectweb/asm/Type
José Miguel Parrella Romero (bureado.com.ve) PGP: 0×88D4B7DF
Debian DeveloperCaracas, VE/Qu
200 OK
service: http://foo.bar/baz
st : ST-2-VHSHBfaPRCBpcpCetsas-cas
- --
José Miguel Parrella Romero (bureado.com.ve) PGP: 0×88D4B7DF
Debian DeveloperCaracas, VE/Quito, EC
rization purposes, i.e., a middleware for user-service access
control mapping, maybe with access to a specific DB or LDAP server with
that authorization information, that neither CAS nor the application can
or want to access.
José Miguel Parrella Romero (bureado.com.ve) PGP: 0×88D4B
get a better understanding of how CAS works.
I'm not an expert in CAS myself, but I hope to be helpful.
José Miguel Parrella Romero (bureado.com.ve) PGP: 0×88D4B7DF
Debian DeveloperCaracas, VE/Quito, EC
You are currently subscribed to cas-user
user gets redirected to http://app/?ticket=ST
In my experience, since I 'outsource' login to a module of mine, the TGT
is not being stored, so the major issue I have is users having to login
to each application, which is not that annoying in my scenario. And also
note this break
domain authentication using LDAP as a backend, unless I can, e.g., split
a username like DOMAIN\user and build a new base with that DOMAIN, any
pointers on how this can be achieved?
- --
José Miguel Parrella Romero (bureado.com.ve) PGP: 0×88D4B7DF
Debian Developer
José Miguel Parrella Romero escribió:
> CAS won't do that, since the protocol doesn't allow it. SAML enables
> this. If you can't use SAML in your current application, maybe a
> middleware, lightweight app that is a service itself can query the
> parameters from SAML
where to look for that redirect.
CAS won't do that, since the protocol doesn't allow it. SAML enables
this. If you can't use SAML in your current application, maybe a
middleware, lightweight app that is a service itself can query the
parameters from SAML and POST them back
er authorization, which is a
matter of your application or application cluster. I'd rather use REST
web services which know your business logic and provide you with a
simple list or OK/ERR messages for access control.
José Miguel Parrella Romero (bureado.c
and password fields, only if the auto parameter is set to true.
Notice you will also need to change the name to
anything else than 'submit', otherwise you get Javascript errors.
This was posted in a blog entry somewhere by somebody else, I just had
to change the parameters being pass
submit it, get a redirect back to the service with the ticket, and
extract it... a truly complex solution.
- --
José Miguel Parrella Romero (bureado.com.ve) PGP: 0×88D4B7DF
Debian DeveloperCaracas, VE/Quito, EC
sing REST from my
AJAX framework -- not that I have _anything_ against the login form, I
have read a lot about how important it is for our users to get to CAS
properly, but the RESTful interface is there for a reason and I really
want to use it :)
Thanks in advance and keep up the good work,
- --
José Migu
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