
I'm in the process of building our first Clustered CAS environment (3.5.2). 
I've spent the last couple of days reviewing documentation and building some 
configs (that I have not tested yet).  After reviewing all of this 
documentation, I have some questions.

1.       In the EhCacheTicketRegistry entry on the wiki, the 
echache-replicated.xml file seems to indicate that it would like to do manual 
discovery vs. an automated discovery.   In the manual configuration in the 
rmiUrls value seems to have the same hostname entry twice (both localhost).  
Are these technically supposed to be different hosts, such as node1 and node1 
instead of both entries being localhost?

2.       With regards to the Service Manager Web App that is now available in 
3.5.2, if you are setting up a clustered environment with MySQL for storing 
services, how does one go about making sure that when services are updated that 
each node understands that there have been service changes? Does this mean that 
we need to do some form of DB Replication between nodes? Or does this mean we 
setup a single MySQL instance and point both nodes at it?  I noticed under the 
Service Management section that it mentions that for proper clustering support, 
we should be using a JpaServiceRegistryDaoImpl or LdapServiceRegistryDao.  Are 
there any configuration guides on how to setup a JpaServiceRegistryDaoImpl.  
Additionally, if JpaServiceRegistryDaoImpl is used, will I still be able to use 
the Service Manager Reload Job to update each node with what services have 
changed?  Conversely, if we are able to just setup a single node MySQL database 
to store services, does that negate the need for the Service Manager Reload Job?

3.       I plan on doing the CAS-Shib integration in this new environment and 
I'm curious to know is there anything I need to be aware of from the Shibboleth 
with regards to configuring the cluster?  Do I need to setup Tomcat Clustering 
for the Shib IDP as well as the CAS Server?  Or will tomcat handle the 
integration without the need for special configurations?

My apologies if some of these sound like simple questions, I have never setup a 
Tomcat cluster before and I want to make sure that I understand all of the 
moving parts before I get any deeper in this.  As always, your help is greatly 

Ben Branch
UNIX/Linux Administrator
University of Central Oklahoma
ITIL Foundation v3, Network+, RHCSA

100 N. University Drive, Box 122
Edmond, OK 73034
D: 405.974.2649 | M: 405.550.6804 | bbranch@uco.<mailto:bbranch@uco.>edu |<>

"I am wiser than this man, for neither of us appears to know anything great and 
good; but he fancies he knows something, although he knows nothing; whereas I, 
as I do not know anything, so I do not fancy I do. In this trifling particular, 
then, I appear to be wiser than he, because I do not fancy I know what I do not 
know."  - Socrates

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