Background info:
Tomcat 7 and java 7
LDAP backend
ehcache for tickets and clearpass
load balancer for 2 Tomcat instances (which only host CAS)
UPortal with multiple portlets (WebProxyPortlets)

Description of problem behaviour:
1. user attempts to access portal
2. portal redirects to CAS
3. user enters credentias and is authenticated
4. portal page displayed to user
(the above is the normal expected behaviour)
5. some portlets display correctly, others display CAS login page

Upon refreshing the page, some portlets that previously displayed correctly now 
display CAS login page and some portlets that displayed the login page now 
display correctly.
Which portlets display the login page and which display correctly appears to be 
random with each page reload (not logout and login, just a CTRL-R).

Has anyone experienced this behaviour (and if so, what solution)?

I am configuring the logs to get appropriate output.


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