Hi Heystek,

I think it better if you used 20.04. Is the first machine (18.04) the one that 
crashes and that when you have had Matlab working that comes from your second 
machine (20.04)?

I just did some tests and was able to reproduce your issue with generating the 
dtbo. In your xilinx device tree repo, checkout the `xlnx_rel_v2021.1` branch. 
This is not in the "Getting Started with RFSoC” guide, and now needs to be. We 
will need to make sure to get this change documented.

Additionally, I also now realize that mlib_devel `m2021a` branch will not work 
with the most recent tutorials that were recently updated for new changes that 
fixes a slew of issues with the rfdc yellow block. This is because those 
changes are in the `m2021a-dev` branch of mlib_devel and yet to be merged into 
`m2021a`. Hopefully we can do that soon. But, for now, please be sure to also 
checkout the `m2021a-dev` branch of your mlib_devel repo before moving into the 
subsequent tutorials that use the rfdc (the adc interface and spectrometer 


On Nov 1, 2023, at 4:33 AM, Heystek Grobler <heystekgrob...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hey Mitch and everyone.

Thank you so much for the help! I really appreciate it!

I am trying to set up the toolflow on two machines.

The first machine is:
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Vitis/Vivado 2021.1

The second machine:
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Vitis/Vivado 2021.1

I am currently busy with the setup on the first machine (Ubuntu 18.04) since 
the second machine is having issues regarding the university firewall. If 
needed I can update the first machine to Ubuntu 20.04.

I downloaded the Xilinx device tree repo by making use of (I assume it is the 
current master branch 
 git clone https://github.com/xilinx/device-tree-xlnx.git

Below are screenshots of the Matlab crash at startup:

<Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 12.31.04.png>

Here is the log file:

<Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 12.31.35.png>

<Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 12.31.42.png>

Thank you for all the help!


Heystek Grobler


On Tuesday, Oct 31, 2023 at 10:30 PM, Mitchell Burnett 
<mitch.c.burn...@gmail.com<mailto:mitch.c.burn...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Matlab crashing: You had said earlier that you were on Ubuntu 20.04? Is this 
still the case?

Toolflow error: Can you send me the commit hash for your current head of the 
Xilinx device tree repo?


On Oct 31, 2023, at 1:52 PM, Heystek Grobler <heystekgrob...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hey Kaj, Mitch, Morag and everyone.

Thank you for the help! I really appreciate it.

I have changed my startsg.local file and it fits in with your suggestions. I 
get new errors now. The first one is Matlab sometimes crashes at startup with: 
Abnormal termination: Segmentation violation

<Screenshot 2023-10-31 at 21.19.34.png>

When Matlab decided to work again, and I compiled the first tutorial, then I 
got this error:  “hsi::generate_target -dir $jdts_dir"

<Screenshot 2023-10-31 at 20.52.47.png>

<Screenshot 2023-10-31 at 20.52.56.png>

Has anyone stumbled onto these problems?

Thank you for the help.


Heystek Grobler


On Tuesday, Oct 31, 2023 at 9:23 AM, Morag Brown 
<mbr...@sarao.ac.za<mailto:mbr...@sarao.ac.za>> wrote:
Hi Heystek, Mitch, all,

The System Generator hanging issue occasionally still happens to me too (but 
very rarely). However, it happened to me with every compile at one time when I 
had a version of MATLAB installed that had many other toolboxes installed.

There is a note 
 under step 5 of "How to install MATLAB" in the CASPER ReadTheDocs instructions 
that says toolbox clashes have been tentatively accepted as the cause for this 
problem. There is also a link to a Xilinx AMD blog post where if you click on 
"more answers" at the bottom, you will see a list of MATLAB toolboxes that 
someone else determined as being compatible with System Generator.

If your SysGen hanging issue happens with every compile, then check your MATLAB 
toolboxes against this list and uninstall any not listed. Or if you don't need 
any specific toolboxes, then just ensure that you have only the ones required 
by the CASPER tools installed (i.e. the ones Mitch has listed, that are also 
listed in the link I have provided above).

I've not encountered the "std::exception error", but that's only because I'm 
still using 18.04 and not 20.04 - the guide that Mitch has pointed you to in 
the Xilinx AMD docs should hopefully fix that.

One last thing - in order to be mindful of any one person's inbox, I'd 
recommend that you send your replies on a thread to the mailing list rather 
than a specific person. This way anyone else who has encountered these issues 
may provide guidance, and anyone who might encounter these issues in the future 
will be able to find the thread in the mailing list archive.


On Tue, 31 Oct 2023, 07:17 Mitch Burnett, 
<mitch.burn...@byu.edu<mailto:mitch.burn...@byu.edu>> wrote:
Hi Heystek,

One thing first, then the hang issue. From your screenshot of your 
startsg.local I notice that you need to add an additional env variable to the 
Xilinx device tree repo, and that you need to change the back end env variable 
form vivado to Vitis. Please compare your startsg.local file to the one shown 
in Getting Started With 

Now your remaining issue… Unfortunately, System Generator hanging like this is 
a known issue but I am not aware of if we know of the cause. I believe the best 
known explanation for this this that is a race condition between System 
Generator and Simulink where the return from System Generator is not received 
by the main Simulink process and results in the hang. This phenomena 
occasionally happens to me, but seldomly.

However, here is more info for you that if you have not done the following 
during your setup this may be something else you want to pay attention to. At 
one time folks at SARAO had reported that with every attempted build this issue 
would occur. I recall that we determined the issue was a mix of a few things: 
1) before installing Vitis/Model Composer the symbolic links in the the Xilinx 
Model Composer installation 
 needed to be completed. The instructions mention either installing gcc6 or 
creating the symbolic links mentioned in that previous link. I have only ever 
done the symbolic link approach. Mugundhan recently reported here that this 
seemed to remove the "std::exception error" when starting system generator. 2) 
In addition to this gcc nuance, this didn’t seem to be enough and we found 
(through anecdotal evidence) that the hanging was also related to additional 
matlab add-on toolboxes that were installed but not required. Because of this, 
it is recommended to only install the following toolboxes when installing 
matlab: Simulink, Communications toolbox, DSP System toolbox, Fixed-Point 
Designer toolbox, Signal Processing toolbox. I want to recall that it was the 
Matlab or Simulink SDK toolbox that when installed interfere with the operation 
of Matlab.

Dealing with this hanging issue is heuristic. I am not aware of a full solution.

Even with all this, when this happens to me (again seldom… but does happen) I 
click the “cancel” button that appears on the bottom of the model window (the 
window where the model canvas containing the blocks are placed — there is a 
status bar for the model generation status and the cancel button is next to 
that)  then I spam ctrl-c inside the terminal where I ran `./startsg 
starts.local`. This will usually trigger the interrupt caught by System 
Generator and closes the System Generator Compilation status with control 
returning back to Matlab (I have access to the command prompt that now reports 
a nonsensical error) and I can then rerun `jasper`. I can think of a handful of 
times where the interrupt is not caught and just have to close Matlab entirely 
and start fresh (I have never lost a model file or saved progress when this 


On Oct 30, 2023, at 3:03 AM, Heystek Grobler 
<heystekgrob...@gmail.com<mailto:heystekgrob...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Hey Mitch.

Thank you for the reply.

I have installed everything in the virtual environment. The tutorial1 is now 
running for 14 hours without being completed. Below are screenshots of my setup 

<Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 10.54.07.png>

<Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 10.50.09.png>

<Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 10.50.31.png>

I have followed the steps but I can't seem to get the error message "caught 
std: exception" to disappear.

<Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 11.03.32.png>

Is there anything else that I can try?

Thank you for the help!


Heystek Grobler


On Mon, Oct 30, 2023 at 4:50 AM Mitch Burnett 
<mitch.burn...@byu.edu<mailto:mitch.burn...@byu.edu>> wrote:
Hi Heystek,

This issue is most likely caused in a discrepancy between the python 
environment you setup for mlib_devel and one that matlab/simulink is using. Can 
you verify that when you start matlab that your python environment is active, 
or that your startsg.local configuration file sets the python environment 
correctly? Additionally, can you confirm that when setting up your python 
environment it is using python3 and that after you cloned mlib_devel that you 
also installed all dependencies into that environment (i.e., In your clone of 
mlib_devel  that you ran `pip install -r requirements.txt`)?

Hope this helps,


On Oct 28, 2023, at 9:11 AM, Heystek Grobler 
<heystekgrob...@gmail.com<mailto:heystekgrob...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Good day Mitch and Kaj.

I hope that you guys are still doing well.

Thank you so much for the help. I really appreciate it.

I have made some good headway by following the instructions that you have sent 
me. I stumbled upon a new error by compiling the first tutorial. I received the 
error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘odict'

I have installed odict in python but I still get this error. I have attached a 
screenshot as well. Has anyone encountered this error?


Thank you for all of the help!


Heystek Grobler


On 25 Oct 2023, at 20:39, Mitch Burnett 
<mitch.burn...@byu.edu<mailto:mitch.burn...@byu.edu>> wrote:

Sorry, I should be more helpful to specifically point out which of the issues 
in this list on the CASPER wiki link that you are running into.

Morag had pointed you in the right direction. Your specific issue is that there 
is a conflict between a library in the Ubuntu installation and the same library 
used by Vivado but using its own copy, that also happens to be a different 
version. Morag’s explanation about how to handle this is the correct approach. 
It is also the approach detailed in the blog post on the casper wiki link I 
posted. The specific blog post in reference is this one: 


On Oct 25, 2023, at 12:34 PM, Mitch Burnett 
<mitch.burn...@byu.edu<mailto:mitch.burn...@byu.edu>> wrote:

Hi Heystek,

The full set of instructions and how to overcome different issues based on the 
version of Ubuntu is documented on the CASPER wiki for installing the toolflow 

This has the solutions to all the current known issues with running the tools 
on these version of Ubuntu.

>From your screenshots, it also looks like you will need to re-install the 
>Xilinx suite of tools. In the installation GUI you should select “Vitis”. This 
>selection will install Vivado, Vitis, and System Generator + Model Composer 
>for Simulink.

Sorry you are having these issues.


On Oct 25, 2023, at 12:30 PM, Kaj Wiik 
<kaj.w...@iki.fi<mailto:kaj.w...@iki.fi>> wrote:

Hi Heystek,

Indeed, it took me a while to remember this issue, please see my notes:

Also, I think you did not install Vitis, when asked in installation, you should 
select to install Vitis, not Vivado (Vitis selection also installs Vivado).
Unfortunately, I think you have to reinstall because at least I do not know how 
to add Vitis to  Vivado install.

I hope this helps,

On Wed, 25 Oct 2023 at 21:23, Heystek Grobler 
<heystekgrob...@gmail.com<mailto:heystekgrob...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hey Morag and everyone.

I have installed kde-full and I am still getting the same issues and errors. 
Below are screenshots:

<Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 20.05.57.png>

<Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 20.07.57.png>

<Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 20.08.08.png>

I searched through the mail list. In the list Kaj Wiik encountered the same 
problem, but I can not find the solution.

@Kaj did you perhaps manage to find a way for the toolchain to work? In the 
email list you and Mitch Burnett talked about posting a recipe somewhere for 

Thank you for the help.


Heystek Grobler


On 16 Oct 2023, at 15:47, Morag Brown 
<mbr...@sarao.ac.za<mailto:mbr...@sarao.ac.za>> wrote:

Hi Heystek,

Can't remember for sure, but I think that "MATLABWindow application failed to 
launch" issue has been fixed in the past by installing the kde-full package.

Otherwise I think the issue in red above is a library clashing issue - I gather 
the end of that error message says something about an undefined symbol, which 
would be because libhogweed expects a different version of the library it 
depends on than what is actually being used. If you run the following in the 
MATLAB terminal:

!ldd /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libhogweed.so<http://libhogweed.so/>.2

It might show you that it's using the libgmp version that comes with Model 
Composer/Vivado. If you move that out of the path (typically you can just make 
an "exclude" directory within the directory containing the MC/Vivado libraries 
and move the offending items into that, so you can recover them later should 
you need), it will then use the system version of the library, which will 
hopefully have what is needed.

I recall there being a few issues like this on the mailing list in the path, so 
searching the archives should hopefully provide more info if you need.


On Mon, Oct 16, 2023 at 1:21 PM Heystek Grobler 
<heystekgrob...@gmail.com<mailto:heystekgrob...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hey Jack, Dan and Francois.

Thank you so much for the help and guidance, I really appreciate it!

We reached out to the Xilinx University Program and received the necessary 
licenses. Below is an image of the license manager.

<Screenshot from 2023-10-16 13-13-19.png>

<Screenshot from 2023-10-16 13-13-40.png>
I have set up everything according to the getting started page but I ran into 
the following errors when trying to open Simulink. Has anyone encountered 
something like this?

<Screenshot from 2023-10-16 13-16-10.png>
Thank you so much for the help!

Heystek Grobler


On Thu, Oct 5, 2023 at 11:09 PM Francois Kapp 
<francois.k...@gmail.com<mailto:francois.k...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Also look into whether your institution is registered under the Xilinx 
University Program - if so, Xilinx are generally amenable to donating licenses.


On Thu, Oct 5, 2023 at 3:13 AM Jack Hickish 
<jackhick...@gmail.com<mailto:jackhick...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I _think_ that's all you need.

FYI - you can probably get a 30 day trial (or 90 in the case of sysgen) license 
for free, which should save you waiting for XUP.


On Thu, 5 Oct 2023 at 11:03, Heystek Grobler 
<heystekgrob...@gmail.com<mailto:heystekgrob...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hey Jack and Kaj.

Thank you so much for the help and guidance. So the license I got with the 
RFSoC ZSU111 does not contain the Xilinx ML Enterprise Edition and it also does 
not contain SysGen.

My University (The University of Pretoria) is reaching out to Xilinx to buy the 
appropriate licence. Will it suffice if the University gets the Xilinx ML 
Enterprise Edition and SysGen or should something else be added to it?

Thank you for the help!

Heystek Grobler


On Sun, Oct 1, 2023 at 6:09 PM Jack Hickish 
<jackhick...@gmail.com<mailto:jackhick...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I would suggest trying to get the new license. I'm suspect that Vivado 2020 
supports the RFSoC chips you want (though I haven't checked) but using an older 
version than the toolflow suggests will almost certainly lead to other issues. 
Swimming against the CASPER version-tide is never a particularly fun thing to 
do :)

On Sun, 1 Oct 2023 at 13:22, Heystek Grobler 
<heystekgrob...@gmail.com<mailto:heystekgrob...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hey Jack.

Should I then try to get a SysGen/ModelComposer license for 2021.1 or is there 
a way to still use Vivado 2020.06 with the RFSoC?

Thank you for the help!


Heystek Grobler


On 01 Oct 2023, at 14:12, Jack Hickish 
<jackhick...@gmail.com<mailto:jackhick...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Not quite sure what to make of this, but I don't see anything for SysGen / 
ModelComposer newer than 2020.06, which wouldn't be valid with Vivado 2021.1

On Sun, 1 Oct 2023 at 12:47, Heystek Grobler 
<heystekgrob...@gmail.com<mailto:heystekgrob...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hey Jack.

Thank you so much for the email.

I have included screenshots of the licence manager below:

<Screenshot 2023-10-01 at 13.42.31.png>

<Screenshot 2023-10-01 at 13.42.52.png>

<Screenshot 2023-10-01 at 13.43.15.png>

Do I need another/different licence from Xilinx or is there a way around this?

Thank you for the help.

Heystek Grobler


On Sun, Oct 1, 2023 at 1:10 PM Jack Hickish 
<jackhick...@gmail.com<mailto:jackhick...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Heystek,

As the error in the diagnostic viewer suggests -- you don't seem to have an 
appropriate sysgen license, in either the default search paths (I think at 
least one of these is ~/.Xilinx/Xilinx.lic) or specified with an environment 
variable. Do you think you have a license the system isn't finding or is it 
possible you just need to get one from Xilinx?

Also, the "Could not find Vitis installation" at the start of the MATLAB prompt 
is concerning, but I don't think that's the current issue.


On Sun, 1 Oct 2023 at 11:58, Heystek Grobler 
<heystekgrob...@gmail.com<mailto:heystekgrob...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Good day everyone.

I hope that this email finds you well.

I am used to working with a ROACH2 and have now started with an RFSoC ZCU111. I 
followed the instructions on the CASPER Read The Docs Page and installed Ubuntu 
20.04, Matlab 2021a and Vivado 2021.1.

When I try to compile the first tutorial with jasper I get the following two 
errors (screenshots provided).

<Screenshot 2023-10-01 at 12.50.59.png>

<Screenshot 2023-10-01 at 12.51.44.png>

Does anyone perhaps know how I can solve this?

Thank you for the help.


Heystek Grobler


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