Title: Message

Castor Development Community,

Any word on when the more advanced OQL functionality will be in place?  I'm currently doing some prototyping, and would like to be able to limit the number of dependent objects that are returned in a graph.  For instance, consider the following graph of objects:

I would like to constrain the graph not only on the ID of the Person, but the person's name, also on the type of role they play in the organization, and where the organization is located.  Currently, I havn't found a way to implement this query in Castor OQL.  This would be a HUGE advantage if this functionality can be integrated sometime soon.  I'm very aligned with the JDO approach, but see some limitations of your implementation that would have to be remedied before being able to deploy it into our application.  You are closer than any vendor out there to being able to implement a workable JDO solution.  Please let me know your thoughts.

Are there any workarounds for this problem?

Lastly, how does Castor JDO work in a clustered env?

Thanks for any response you might offer...even if there are no plans for this functionality in the future.


John C. Dale

J2EE Developer


NCS Learn, a devision of NCS Pearson

Mesa, Arizona


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