It looks like JDBC driver exception. Could you post a
full stack trace and details about what driver you are
--- Jeff Klann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone have any idea what this means?
> >org.exolab.castor.jdo.PersistenceException,Invalid
> operation for f
One thing you have to remember when looking into using
castor for db access is that there is almost no work
going on. There are well known bugs that nobody even
plans to fix. There are serious performance issues for
any but trivial schema.
Documentation (both separate and source code comments)
when do I need to set same-connection to be true in
High/Low key generator?
doc says:
Don't forget to set same-connection="true" if you are
working in EJB environment!
but what exactly and why causes this requirement?
We are working in web container enviroment, but we are
using cached data s
As a workaround, would it be enough to call db.close()
in finally block upon exception?
like this:
finally {
if(db != null) {
--- Martin Renner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi.
> Bug #870 describes tha
We've got problems using oracle connection pooling. M
db descriptor looks like this:
We're using Oracle 8.1.7 and the same version of JDBC
thin driver.
The problem is that we keep getting "SQLException: IO
Exception: Broken pipe" pretty much every morning.
Going through oracl
This is how DB behave. You can never be sure in what
order elements are retrieved. There are solutions for
this problem (at least using pure SQL), but they tend
to be cumbersome. In my experience it's always better
to arrange business logic, so it doesn't depend on
order or the order can be achiev
Can I have a collection of different types? My
situation is as follow: an Order has many LineItems,
however LineItem class is abstract with 2 different
subclasses: ConcreteLineItem1, ConcreteLineItem2
I have tables for each: Order, LineItem,
ConcreteLineItem1 and ConcreteLineItem2
Originally my
I've been binding both transient and persistante
object so far succesfully. However we encountered
situation when only binding persistante objects work.
What is very strange about the situation is that
depending on data used to populate the object the same
query works ok or not at all with