Has anyone implemented a solution in which long
transactions are performed with objects that contain BLOB fields? I see in the
documention that mapping a BLOB field to java.io.InputStream prevents it from
being used in the cache (and in long transactions).
Shannon Kendrick
ction. I notice that Castor seems to use "getConnection()"
rather than "getConnection(String, String)".
Shannon Kendrick
ParseTreeWalker.addJoinsForPathExpression() where the joins for a many-to-many
relationship are created, I can't decide if there is a bug there or if it's
supposed to work that way.
Shannon Kendrick
t d from " +
Document.class.getName() + " d where d.categories (???What goes
here???) ");
Thanks in advance,
Shannon Kendrick
ed the trim()
function. What's the equivalent OQL syntax to match a value that is padded with
spaces in a CHAR column?
Thanks in advance.
Shannon Kendrick