Hi all,

I've created a small program to convert an XML file in java source code.

The problem I have occurs when I try to convert an XML object into a java

My XML file contains:
               Property session.sle indicates bla bla bla.

While my xsd file contains:
<xsd:element name="JavaAttribute">
               <xsd:element name="comment" type="xsd:string"

Appearantly because of the <p> tags, the string which is read into my
JavaAtribute class is empty. And I really want the entire <p>  Property ...
</p> string.

Can someone tell me how to do this ? Do I need to use another type than
xsd:string ?

Or should I first attempt to convert my input XML into read something like:

          &lt;p&gt; Property ... (etc)

If so, how can I do this (in e.g. XSLT) ?

Any help is appreciated.

(Of course, if there are products out there that can help me convert XML
into java sources, I am also interested to know this !)

Regards / Met vriendelijke groet,
Michiel Kalkman

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