I'm just starting to learn castor and have run into trouble already. I have this property in a class:


setCertificate(java.securty.cert.X509Certificate cert);

java.securty.cert.X509Certificate X509Certificate getCertificate();


and this mapping file

<class name="ZUPeer">

<field name="Certificate" type="java.security.cert.X509Certificate" handler="XMLCertHandler">
<bind-xml name="cert" type="element"/>


I set the mapping file correctly in the marshaller/unmarshaller because it complains if the file is not present, yet my handler is never called and the 'Certificate' property is never marshalled. My XMLCertHandler takes a X509Certificate and returns a String and takes a String and returns a X509Certificate, so I know it would work properly if even called.

Also, X509Certificate is an interface so I thought I'd put the concrete implementation class in place of it and it still didn't work. Any tips?

Much appreciative,

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