Title: Problems with code generation from XSD with validation turned on.


I am new to castor and XML in general:

I am running into the following problem during code generation from XSD

(sorry this mail is really long)

Modified properties file.

# True if all documents should be validated by the marshalling framework
The error I message I get is :

/space/j2sdk1_3_1_02/bin/java org.exolab.castor.builder.SourceGenerator -i topology-response.xsd -package foo
SAXParseException: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'xs:schema'.
 - occured at line 2, column 56

The XSD used is attached.

I also tried to modify the Configuration.java class to set the following :

( (XMLReader) parser ).setFeature(
                "http://apache.org/xml/features/validation/schema", true);
                ( (XMLReader) parser ).setFeature(

Based on some info I read from Castor and Xerces support groups. I have tried using different versions of xerces parsers , the one attached with castor and xerces-2.0.1. Irrespective of the parser, I run into this problem.

I don't run into this problem when parser.validation is turned off.

I obeserved that the generated code with validation turned off in configuration but turned on during run time
doesn't enforce 'sequence' order when unmarshalling data.

My code reads like :

Unmarshaller um = new Unmarshaller(Reply.class);
            reply = (Reply)um.unmarshal(reader);

Reply is a complex type say with element sequence "ctag" and "response"
So a valid instance document should have :


But UnMarshaller allows :


I am sure I am missing something and wondering if anyone can shed some light.

Thanks for the help in advance,


Attachment: topology-response.xsd
Description: topology-response.xsd

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