> "Nandakumar, Manoj" wrote:
> Hi,
> Just wanted to know what needs to be done to ensure that the Castor
> Source Code generator generates corresponding setter methods for all
> getter methods.
> For Java types that map to a simple type like this
>         <xsd:simpleType name="BooleanYN_T">
>                 <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
>                         <xsd:enumeration value="Y"/>
>                         <xsd:enumeration value="N"/>
>                 </xsd:restriction>
>         </xsd:simpleType>
> the generated BooleanYN_T has a getType() method, but no setType()
> method.

The BooleanYN_T type is a type-safe enum, there will be no setters for
the type or value.

> Similarly, wherever an element has the maxOccurs attribute set to
> unbounded, the Castor generated Java Type has a getXXXCount() method,
> but no setXXXCount() method.

Why would it have a setXXXCount? The count is based on how many items
are in the collection, you can't change this unless you add or remove


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