
I am the current maintainer of the Workflow module on CPAN and I just want to add my 2 cents here, since Matts' comments on Workflow is in my opinion are both unfair and inapproriate and not particularly constructive. I am sure he has more constructive criticism and I would like to discuss this with him the next time we meet, since Matt seems like a sensible guy.

Workflow works quite nicely for other users in other setups, else I would not take the time to maintain it. If any of you guys are still interested in attempting to integrate Workflow with Catalyst I am offering assistance and I wil in any way possible attempt to support you and try make your attempts successful.

We have a mailing list for the development of Workflow, it is very low traffic and you are welcome to post questions/comments there. I am a user of Catalyst myself so I know the basics of Catalyst.


List: Catalyst@lists.rawmode.org
Listinfo: http://lists.rawmode.org/mailman/listinfo/catalyst
Searchable archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/catalyst@lists.rawmode.org/
Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/

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