Hello everyone on this wonderful List,

I have long hesitated to ask this question at the risk of lowering the signal 
to noise ratio on this list. Now seems like a good time to ask and not 
runawayscreamingfrom long long long posts. I will think of them just as a diff 
to patch my brain with. Yes.

So teh question. Or T3H ZQU3410N for those on teletypes.

Is it just me or does everyone getting this digest realize, but politely 
ignore, that every post fails to start with the post id, subject line and 
author which otherwise is listed at the very top of the digest mail? 
Because I once sent an email to someone by accident through this list (you know 
who are, sorry again) because I mistakenly used the email address in the sig of 
the previous post due to this nondelimitation (which I temporarily declare is a 

It's okay if you like it that way though just pleasantly confusing.


Matt Rosin

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