2009/10/9 Octavian Râşniţă <orasn...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I've recently started to use Mercurial for revision control and the pages
> regarding the deployment of a Catalyst app from the Catalyst wiki also help
> me very much, but I still don't know what would be the best method for
> uploading the files to the server.
> How do you do it?
> Archive the entire app an dupload to the server then change the permissions
> of the files and folders there?
> Or upload the modified files one by one?
> Or generate a tarball on each revision and unarchive and make, make test it
> on the server?

I have a script on a build server that does an svn export of a specific
branch and version  (or latest trunk if no version specified).  The script
then runs the test suite, runs the "build" scripts that generate "minified"
css, javascript, and anything else that prepares the package such as create
a meta file with build info, and then builds a tarball named after the
reversion.  Also, a symlink is created as "latest" on the build server.

Then on target machines (testing, staging, and production) I have a "push"
script that fetches the tarball (based on a specific version or "latest"),
untars it on the machine.  It's untarred into a directory named after the
revision it came from.  Tests are run that verify that it can talk to
whatever it needs (database, services).  Then do a graceful stop of the
existing server, move symbolic links, start the server back up and then use
wget to validate a number of test URLs.  Depending on the update some
servers may get pulled out of the balancer before upgrading to do it in

Pushing a previous version will just update the symlinks if they revesion

Not perfect but seems to work ok for now.

Bill Moseley
List: Catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk
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