
Please forgive me if this is an easy one.  It's late and I haven't found any 
mention of it.

I'd like to encode form fields so that only the standard bold, italic, 
underline, list, etc. are allowed and and script, style, etc. tags are encoded. 
 Also, I'd like to only let the base tags through and no attributes so setting 
an onmouseover in a paragraph is encoded.  Basically I'm trying to avoid XSS 
and other nastiness.

Is there a module that does this to all parameters at once?  Do i simply need 
to do it to each paramter I accept?  For now I've been adding the html filter 
in my Template Toolkit templates, but that's a pain and relies on each output 
field filtering.  I'd like to encode before storing the data in the database so 
it's safe no matter how it's presented.

Any help is appreciated.


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