Re: [Catalyst] UK hosting

2016-01-11 Thread Peter Flanigan
On 11/01/16 17:21, Chris Welch wrote: > This is a local sports league website, so I don't have a huge amount of > money to play with - I think I can persuade them to spend about £10-15 a > month. Bytemark BigV servers £12 / month (inc. VAT) Well known

Re: [Catalyst] How to get IP address of the interface which the request come through

2013-03-23 Thread Peter Flanigan
On 23/03/13 12:12, N.A. wrote: I wan to get the IP address of the interface(network device) which the request come through. $c-req-address -- Regards ___ List: Listinfo:

Re: [Catalyst] How to get IP address of the interface which the request come through

2013-03-23 Thread Peter Flanigan
On 23/03/13 12:12, N.A. wrote: I wan to get the IP address of the interface(network device) which the request come through. My bad. Use $c-req-uri-host to get the hostname of the server -- Regards ___ List: Listinfo:

Re: [Catalyst] Backlog for proposed changes in next Catalyst release

2013-03-10 Thread Peter Flanigan
On 10/03/13 19:58, Tomas Doran wrote: Does anyone have a strong opinion on this being added to their app by default? Does anyone have an app which needs you to NOT load the unicode plugin? Speak now, or you're gonna have a bad time :) My views already encode the response body if required. If

Re: [Catalyst] Problem with Catalyst 5.8 and mod_perl 2

2012-07-29 Thread Peter Flanigan
On 29/07/12 15:10, linuxsupport wrote: I have setup mod_geoip in Apache which creates environment variable GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE I am not able to get this variable in catalyst controller, I have tried getting it form %ENV. Have you specified Passenv?

Re: [Catalyst] Re: prepare_body_chunk in Catalyst 5.9

2012-07-14 Thread Peter Flanigan
On 12/07/12 21:42, Eric Wright wrote: Looking into this further - in the the source for Catalyst I see that the prepare_body statement has been moved to the Request object removing the ability to hook into this event via the Plugin architecture Does CatalystX::RoleApplicator help? --

Re: [Catalyst] Listing all actions in app

2012-02-16 Thread Peter Flanigan
On 16/02/12 17:34, Paolo Gianrossi wrote: I have an app and I would like to be able to list (in a select, but whatever), all public actions in all controllers of my app. Something like my $ns = $c-action-namespace; for my $container ($c-dispatcher-get_containers( $ns )) { for my

Re: [Catalyst] Remove X-Catalyst header (Apache)

2011-08-11 Thread Peter Flanigan
On 11/08/11 17:32, Stefan Profanter wrote: But if I analyze the headers, there is always „X-Catalyst 5.80033“. Turn debug off -- Regards ___ List: Listinfo:

Re: [Catalyst] Model Instances vs. Model Classes - Round 2

2011-07-20 Thread Peter Flanigan
On 20/07/11 07:25, Alejandro Imass wrote: In this example package Models::Model::HomeGrownModel; use base 'Catalyst::Model'; use HomeGrown; sub COMPONENT { my ( $self, $app ) = @_;

Re: [Catalyst] noob question about session timeouts

2008-11-02 Thread Peter Flanigan
Cliff Green wrote: When a session expires in the app I'm putting together, the user is sent back to the login screen at the next request, as expected. What I'd like to do is stuff something like 'Session Expired' into $c-stash-{error_msg} and have it displayed, letting the user know what

Re: [Catalyst] Help! Need help deploying app to Apache

2008-09-17 Thread Peter Flanigan
Bruno Antunes wrote: [error] Couldn't render template file error - not found Type ps -ef | grep apache Make a note of the user that apache is running as. Su to root. Su to the user that apache is running as. Cd into the directory that is in. Cat

Re: [Catalyst] Duplicate entries with C::P::Session::Store::DBIC and MySQL

2008-07-28 Thread Peter Flanigan
Tobias Kremer wrote: This is a different problem than the one discussed last week or so! I'm pretty sure it's a classic race-condition. Then I would suggest placing a lock around the critical region of code. IPC::SRLock perhaps (which I wrote) -- Regards

Re: [Catalyst] How much chain?

2008-07-11 Thread Peter Flanigan
Lots of chain. I use something like this: package MyApp::Controller::Admin; sub lang : Chained('/') PathPart('') CaptureArgs(1) { # Capture the language selection from the requested uri } sub base : Chained('lang') PathPart('admin') CaptureArgs(0) { # Does nothing but lets me chain other