I'm running… 6(?) fastcgi Cat apps on Dreamhost. These are some pointers
(I'll put them in the wiki later if I can).

 * Name your app "dispatch.fcgi"
   Their long-process killing script respects that name much better.

* You have to enable fastcgi in the panel for that domain. It's not on by default.

* If you do have more than one of /anything/ dynamic, create a separate user to run it. Their process allotments work by user, not by account. So two Cat apps on one user will probably cause them to get killed often. If each has their own user, much better accord.

 * You can do things like perl -cw ~/domain.xyz/dispatch.fcgi
to see (some) errors that will otherwise get sucked up for three minutes waiting for the fastcgi process to end.

* Set up your own local/lib and install all your own modules. I like DreamHost but now and then they are pretty admin challenged and have long out of date, or /broken/, versions of modules in the regular @INC.

* Do a touch ~/domain.xyz/dispatch.fcgi to reset your app. killall dispatch.fcgi for last resorts.

* 90% of the problems I've had were related to DB traffic external to my stuff (just guessing: some mutt using 18 PHP scripts hogging all the connections). If you start a mysql shell and do a simple query, sometimes that's enough to unlock hanging connections.

* The default values for some of the Session modules are BAD!!! They create a new, large, session value in the /tmp dir for every single visitor and can quickly lock up a box for you and everyone on it. Running the install tests alone can leave a couple of gigabytes of trash in /tmp. Yes, I did this. No, I didn't file a bug report yet. I am BAD!!! :( Make sure to specify your own session file paths and it's best to do something like ~/etc/sessions… instead of /tmp which has hard wired disk limits.


On Jan 5, 2008, at 4:11 PM, Jay Varner wrote:
Just to throw in, I love Dreamhost but I was never able to get my
Catalyst app to deploy with them on FastCGI. I've moved on to A Small
Orange and had my app up and running within hours of having my account
set up. There were some Modules I had trouble installing from CPAN,
but A Small Orange would install the the mods for me so fast I didn't
get to take a break.

On Jan 5, 2008 6:16 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Send Catalyst mailing list submissions to

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of Catalyst digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: ResultSet renderer? (Zbigniew Lukasiak)
   2. Re: Re: "Rails is a Ghetto" (Daniel McBrearty)
   3. What can C::P::Cache cache? (Joe Landman)
   4. Re: What can C::P::Cache cache? (Joe Landman)
   5. Re: Web hosting? (Martin Ellison)
   6. strange error when running a Catalyst app (Octavian Rasnita)
   7. utf8 / pg double encoding problem (Daniel McBrearty)
   8. CPAN install without test? [ot] (Martin Ellison)

--------------------------------------------------------------------- -

Message: 1
Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2008 16:21:18 +0100
From: "Zbigniew Lukasiak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Catalyst] ResultSet renderer?
To: "The elegant MVC web framework" <catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

On Jan 4, 2008 11:20 PM, Bruce J Keeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Greetings, Catalystos!

I'm looking to find or create a canned solution for rendering
DBIx::Class::ResultSets as paged, sortable HTML tables.  All of the
examples I've seen do this manually, foreaching through the resultset, spitting out <tr>s and <td>s and so on. Seems like the sort of wheel
that shouldn't need to be reinvented.

You might have a look at Catalyst::Example::InstantCRUD.  It is a bit
dated now - but I am working on a new versions of it (based on
HTML::FormFu instead of HTML::Widget).



Message: 2
Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2008 20:17:17 +0100
From: "Daniel McBrearty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Catalyst] Re: "Rails is a Ghetto"
To: "The elegant MVC web framework" <catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8


that's some rant. couldn't read it all the way, but half was enough ...


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 05 Jan 2008 16:18:22 -0500
From: Joe Landman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Catalyst] What can C::P::Cache cache?
To: The elegant MVC web framework <catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Sounds like a strange question, but I want to know if I can put a
complex data structure like a hash in there. Do I need to serialize it

Alternatively, if it only handles scalars, that is also useful to know.


Joe Landman


Message: 4
Date: Sat, 05 Jan 2008 16:33:29 -0500
From: Joe Landman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Catalyst] What can C::P::Cache cache?
To: The elegant MVC web framework <catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Joe Landman wrote:
Sounds like a strange question, but I want to know if I can put a
complex data structure like a hash in there. Do I need to serialize it

Alternatively, if it only handles scalars, that is also useful to know.


Well ... never mind. I figured it out for my self. Short version, the
following appears to work nicely:

     my $serialized_menu = $c->cache->get('menu');
     if ($serialized_menu)
        @menu   = @{$serialized_menu};
$c->log->debug('Root::_get_navbar menu retrieved from cache');
        $c->log->debug('Root::_get_navbar rebuilding menu');

        # rebuild menu
        $c->cache->set('menu',[EMAIL PROTECTED]);

For some reason the manual's

        unless ( ... ) {

        } ...

construct did not work for this case.


Joe Landman


Message: 5
Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2008 05:41:56 +0800
From: "Martin Ellison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Catalyst] Web hosting?
To: "The elegant MVC web framework" <catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

SSd2ZSBub3cgc29ydGVkIHRoaXMgb3V0IHdpdGggRHJlYW1Ib3N0IGFuZCB3ZSBub3cga GF2ZSBh biBhY2NvdW50LgoKT24gMDQvMDEvMjAwOCwgTWFydGluIEVsbGlzb24gPG0uZUBhY20ub 3JnPiB3 cm90ZToKPgo +IFRoZSByZWZ1c2FsIGVtYWlsIHdhcyAob24gZmFjZSkgZnJvbSBhIGh1bWFuLCBh bmQgZGlkIG5vdCBzdGF0ZSBhbnkKPiByZWFzb24uIEkndmUgcmVwbGllZCBhc2tpbmcgZ m9yIGFu IGV4cGxhbmF0aW9uLgo +Cj4gT24gMDQvMDEvMjAwOCwgSm9uIFNjaHV0eiA8IGpvbitjYXRhbHlz dEB5b3VyYW1pZ28uY29tPiB3cm90ZToKPiA +Cj4gPiBPbiBGcmksIDIwMDgtMDEtMDQgYXQgMDk6 MjggKzA4MDAsIE1hcnRpbiBFbGxpc29uIHdyb3RlOgo +ID4gPiBEcmVhbWhvc3QgaGF2ZSByZWZ1 c2VkIHRvIGFjY2VwdCBvdXIgc2l0ZSBvbiB0aGUgZ3JvdW5kcyBvZiB0aGVpcgo +ID4gPiAiZnJh ZCBkZXRlY3Rpb24gc3lzdGVtIi4gTm8gZXhwbGFuYXRpb24gZ2l2ZW4sIGFuZCBJIGhhd mUgbm8g aWRlYSB3aHkKPiA +ID4gYXMgdGhpcyBpcyBhIGxlZ2l0aW1hdGUgYnVzaW5lc3MuCj4gPgo+ID4g RGlkIHlvdSBjb250YWN0IGEgaHVtYW4gYXQgRHJlYW1ob3N0IGFuZCBhc2sgd2h5PyAgS W4gY29u dHJhc3QgdG8gc29tZQo +ID4gaG9zdGluZyBwcm92aWRlcnMsIEkgaGF2ZSBmb3VuZCBEcmVhbWhv c3QncyBodW1hbnMgdG8gYmUgcmVhc29uYWJsZQo+ID4gcGVvcGxlLgo+ID4KPiA +IC0tCj4gPiBK b24gU2NodXR6ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgTXkgdGVjaCBub3RlcyBodHRwO i8vbm90 ZXMuanNjaHV0ei5uZXQKPiA+IENoaWVmIFRlY2hub2xvZ3kgT2ZmaWNlcgo +ID4gaHR0cDovL3d3 dy55b3VyYW1pZ28uY29tCj4gPiBZb3VyQW1pZ28KPiA+Cj4gPgo+ID4KPiA +Cj4gPiBfX19fX19f X19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fXwo +ID4gTGlzdDogQ2F0YWx5 c3RAbGlzdHMuc2NzeXMuY28udWsKPiA +IExpc3RpbmZvOiBodHRwOi8vbGlzdHMuc2NzeXMuY28u dWsvY2dpLWJpbi9tYWlsbWFuL2xpc3RpbmZvL2NhdGFseXN0Cj4gPiBTZWFyY2hhYmxlI GFyY2hp dmU6Cj4gPiBodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm1haWwtYXJjaGl2ZS5jb20vY2F0YWx5c3RAbGlzdHMuc 2NzeXMu Y28udWsvCj4gPiBEZXYgc2l0ZTogaHR0cDovL2Rldi5jYXRhbHlzdC5wZXJsLm9yZy8KP iA+Cj4K Pgo+Cj4gLS0KPiBSZWdhcmRzLAo+IE1hcnRpbgo +IChtLmVAYWNtLm9yZykKPiBJVDogaHR0cDov L21ldGhvZHN1cHBvcnQuY29tIFBlcnNvbmFsOiBodHRwOi8vdGhlcmVpc25vZW5kLm9yZ wo+CgoK Ci0tIApSZWdhcmRzLApNYXJ0aW4KKG0uZUBhY20ub3JnKQpJVDogaHR0cDovL21ldGhvZ HN1cHBv cnQuY29tIFBlcnNvbmFsOiBodHRwOi8vdGhlcmVpc25vZW5kLm9yZwotLS0tLS0tLS0tL S0tLSBu ZXh0IHBhcnQgLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0KQW4gSFRNTCBhdHRhY2htZW50IHdhcyBzY3J1Y mJlZC4u LgpVUkw6IGh0dHA6Ly9saXN0cy5zY3N5cy5jby51ay9waXBlcm1haWwvY2F0YWx5c3QvY XR0YWNo


Message: 6
Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2008 00:10:00 +0200
From: "Octavian Rasnita" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Catalyst] strange error when running a Catalyst app
To: "The elegant MVC web framework" <catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";


I have a Catalyst app that used to work, and now I don't know why it doesn't
want to do that anymore.

I've created a new app as a test:

E:\web> catalyst MyTest
created "MyTest\script/mytest_cgi.pl"
created "MyTest\script/mytest_fastcgi.pl"
created "MyTest\script/mytest_server.pl"
created "MyTest\script/mytest_test.pl"
created "MyTest\script/mytest_create.pl"

E:\web> perl MyTest\script\mytest_test.pl
search_paths: Can't open E:\usr\site\lib\Config\Any\E:\INI.pm: Invalid
at E:/usr/site/lib/Module/Pluggable/Object.pm line 162.
Compilation failed in require at E:/usr/site/lib/Catalyst/Test.pm line 90. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at MyTest\script\mytest_test.pl line 9.

It gave a similar error in the existing application when I run the
startup.pl file.

Have you seen this type of error before?

Thank you.



Message: 7
Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2008 23:54:59 +0100
From: "Daniel McBrearty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Catalyst] utf8 / pg double encoding problem
To: "The elegant MVC web framework" <catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk>,
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

well I'm damned, I thought I had this stuff working squeaky clean. But
I was wrong. I actually had two bugs cancelling each other out -

Anyway, cut to the chase. The problem (the second bug that didn't show
until I cleared the first one) is a form submit that stores in the
database but ends up being double encoded when you get it back.

I am *certain* that UTF8 is getting sent over the wire to catalyst.

Here is some test data:

the data being submitted is this, with the two ways of representing it

unicode = 61 62 e7 f6 65 fc
utf8 = 61 62 (c3 a7) (c3 b6) 65 (c3 bc)

I have C::Plugin::Unicode. The database is a postgres 8.2 utf8 database.

Here is a snip of the controller code:

sub sitetext_update : Chained('translator') Args(0){
  my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

  my $edit = $c->req->param('edit') || '';
  $c->log->debug( $edit );
  $c->log->dumper( $edit );
$c->log->debug( utf8::is_utf8( $edit ) ? "it's UTF8!" : "no it isn't UTF8" );

... ($edit gets written to the db here)


Here's what we see, debug output:

.------------------------------------- +--------------------------------------. | Parameter | Value | +------------------------------------- +--------------------------------------+ | edit | abçöeü | '------------------------------------- +--------------------------------------'
[debug] abçöeü
[debug] $VAR1 = "ab\x{c3}\x{a7}\x{c3}\x{b6}e\x{c3}\x{bc}";
[debug] it's UTF8!

here is what happens in the pg logfile:

2008-01-05 23:21:45 CET LOG:  execute dbdpg_11: UPDATE
sitetext_translated SET content = $1, timestamp = $2 WHERE (
language_id = $3 AND sitetext_id = $4 )
2008-01-05 23:21:45 CET DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'abçöeü', $2 =
'2008-01-05 22:21:45', $3 = '22', $4 = 'ca'

and yes, it is double encoded when we retrieve the data.

Why? We have  good utf8 string coming in. It is flagged as such (odd
that the usual debug output doesn't display this right though ...). PG
expects UTF8 from the client. So why?

I use utf8columns on the database. I understand that this just tells
perl "this is utf8, you can flag it as such" when it gets data from
that column? so should not be an issue, right?

thanks if you can explain this. I really hope that an hour from now I
will be saying "DOH" and slapping ice cream into my forehead.


Message: 8
Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2008 07:16:38 +0800
From: "Martin Ellison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Catalyst] CPAN install without test? [ot]
To: "The elegant MVC web framework" <catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

RG9lcyBhbnlvbmUga25vdyBob3cgdG8gZ2V0IENQQU4gdG8gaW5zdGFsbCBhIG1vZHVsZ SB3aXRo b3V0IGRvaW5nIHRoZSB0ZXN0CnN0ZXBzIGF0IGFsbD8gRm9yY2UgaW5zdGFsbCBzdGlsb CBkb2Vz IHRoZSB0ZXN0IHN0ZXBzOyBJIGp1c3Qgd2FudCB0byBnbyB0bwp0aGUgYWN0dWFsIG1ha 2UgaW5z dGFsbC4KClNsaWdodGx5IG9mZiB0b3BpYywgYnV0IGlmIGFueW9uZSBrbm93cyBob3cgd G8gaW5z dGFsbCBtb2R1bGVzLCBpdCBtdXN0IGJlCkNhdGFseXN0IGRldmVsb3BlcnMuLi4gICAod GhlIG1v ZHVsZSBpbiBxdWVzdGlvbiBpcyBEQkl4OjpDbGFzczsgZm9yIHNvbWUKcmVhc29uIGl0I GlzIGZh aWxpbmcgdGhlIHBvcHVsYXRlIHRlc3QpLgoKLS0gClJlZ2FyZHMsCk1hcnRpbgoobS5lQ GFjbS5v cmcpCklUOiBodHRwOi8vbWV0aG9kc3VwcG9ydC5jb20gUGVyc29uYWw6IGh0dHA6Ly90a GVyZWlz bm9lbmQub3JnCi0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tIG5leHQgcGFydCAtLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLQpBb iBIVE1M IGF0dGFjaG1lbnQgd2FzIHNjcnViYmVkLi4uClVSTDogaHR0cDovL2xpc3RzLnNjc3lzL mNvLnVr L3BpcGVybWFpbC9jYXRhbHlzdC9hdHRhY2htZW50cy8yMDA4MDEwNi9lMjNlNTQ1Yy9hd HRhY2ht


Catalyst mailing list

End of Catalyst Digest, Vol 35, Issue 11

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