Warblers on Eastern Heights Drive

2009-09-12 Thread Alm9413
At my house around 2:30 a flock of migrants came through - COMMON YELLOW-THROAT, BLACK AND WHITE, BLACKBURNIAN, at least 2 BLACK-THROATED GREEN, YELLOWRUMP, REDSTART, NASHVILLE AND NORTHERN PARULA WARBLERS, and a RED-EYED VIREO. There were some birds I just couldn't get on before they

fall birds

2009-09-12 Thread jpackard
I birded East Hill and South Hill recreation parkways today. On the East Hill trail, the highlight was a PHILADELPHIA VIREO (new life bird) along with more common birds like FIELD SPARROW, RED EYED VIREO and others. A buteo hawk flew through the woods and landed on a dead tree. As I walked