Two GREAT EGRETS were roosting in the same spot on the edge of Jetty Woods next to Cayuga Inlet this evening, 6 August.  Also seen on this evening's canoe-paddle all the way around the red lighthouse: 3 GREAT BLUE HERONS, 2 BELTED KINGFISHERS, 2 PURPLE MARTINS, 3 SPOTTED SANDPIPERS, 32 CASPIAN TERNS, 41 DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANTS, 3 WOOD DUCKS, 6 COMMON MERGANSERS, 2 GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULLS, 1 HERRING GULL, plenty of RING-BILLED GULLS, MALLARDS AND CANADA GEESE, one or more BARN SWALLOWS, 2 AMERICAN ROBINS, and 1 MOURNING DOVE.  Also heard were 1 AMERICAN GOLDFINCH and 2 SONG SPARROWS. 
We did not see any fireflies in our yard this evening.  On August 1 we only saw 1 firefly, but a few weeks ago it was spectacular. 

--Dave Nutter
Ithaca, NY

On Aug 02, 2011, at 06:55 PM, Dave Nutter <> wrote:

The Great Egret is roosting in the same place this evening, 2 August.

--Dave Nutter
Ithaca, NY

On Aug 1, 2011, at 9:56 PM, Dave Nutter <> wrote:

> On this evening's (1 Aug) canoe-paddle on Cayuga Inlet Laurie and I saw a Great Egret atop a small tree on the edge of Jetty Woods. A Great Blue Heron stood on a log below, and 17 Double-crested Cormorants rested on dead trees or soared nearby. A Belted Kingfisher and a couple of Caspian Tern families flew past. When we got home an Eastern Screech-Owl was calling from the edge of our yard.
> --Dave Nutter
> Ithaca, NY
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