I'm thinking more about crows and owls. It's a substitute for actually knowing, so please chime in, Anne, or anyone else who knows better than I do what really goes on. I've been impressed by how much the Great Horned Owls in Renwick have withstood crows' harassment, and that impression flavored my
* New York
* Syracuse
* February 18, 2013
* NYSY 02. 18. 13
Hotline: Syracuse Rare bird Alert
February 11, 2013 - February 18, 2013
to report by e-mail: brinjoseph AT yahoo.com
covering upstate NY counties: Cayuga, Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge
and Montezuma Wetlands Comp
Nearly 2,500 crows so far amassed between Emerson Power Plant & uphill from
Friendly's. More headed in.
A heads up for those that like to view the roosts. Not sure how long they will
stay there.
-Lee Ann van Leer
Crow lover
Sent from my iPhone
Cayugabirds-L List Info:
Wow! As I drove home just a few minutes ago there was a Short-eared Owl flying
over the fields at the eastern end of Mt Pleasant Road. It flapped and glided
around the field on the north side of the road, apparently hunting, and I
watched it for several minutes until it disappeared behind the cr