Hi all,
How many times you have wished you knew what the birds are eating or where the 
bird is sitting and wring your hands for not knowing the name of the plants. 
Now there is an interactive app available similar to your bird apps to nail the 
plant. Recently, I was in Montana and was watching White-tailed Ptarmigan with 
zest tear the seeds out of several species of plants, at least one was an 
Epilobium species but would love to identify all the plants it was feeding 
from.  This app is special for New England, which shares lots of plants with 
New York state.

GoBotany: An app for identifying the more than 4000+
plants with simple keys
By Dr. Elizabeth Farnsworth


Sept 9 2015, 2.30 to 3.30 pm. Boyce Thompson Institute (BTI) Auditorium, Tower 
Road Ithaca NY

Do you wonder how I am going to identify the plant I have seen from about 5000 
species found in our area?
Then this workshop/talk is for you.
Imagine being able to easily identify plants and learn all about them using an 
innovative set of keys and search tool on your smart phone, tablet, or desktop 
computer.  That is the vision of Go Botany: an award-winning, free, 
user-friendly, interactive web tool created by New England Wild Flower Society 
with funding from the National Science Foundation. Go Botany is the definitive 
on-line Flora of New England, covering more than 3,500 taxa, much of which we 
share with New York.  In this hands-on workshop, you'll learn how to use Go 
Botany's many features, including multiple-access keys, a clickable dichotomous 
key, teaching resources, and PlantShare -- a virtual community for plant 
Do you have a plant you need to identify? Bring you picture for this workshop 
to get it identified!

Map showing BTI Auditorium and parking for people coming from outside the 
Cornell can pay at the meter per hour at Peterson or Vet School parking lots.

 [Vet school metered parking lot] [cid:image012.png@01D0E705.84B21360] 
[cid:image014.png@01D0E705.84B21360] [Peterson metered parking lot] [BTI] 

Elizabeth Farnsworth, Ph.D. is Senior Research Ecologist with the New England 
Wild Flower Society, and a biologist, educator, and scientific illustrator. She 
is currently directing a project to develop the Society's first online courses 
for teaching botany. She co-directed a National Science Foundation-funded 
project to develop the award-winning Go Botany web application: a comprehensive 
guide to all of the plants of New England. She is co-author of the Connecticut 
River Boating Guide: Source to Sea and the Peterson Field Guide to Ferns of 
Northeastern North America. She has illustrated the Flora Novae Angliae (Yale 
University Press), A Field Guide to the Ants of New England (Yale University 
Press), The Nature of New Hampshire, and five other books on ferns, coastal 
ecology, climate change, statistics, and spiders. She is also Senior Editor of 
the botanical journal, Rhodora. She has served on the science faculties of 
Smith College, Hampshire College, the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 
the University of Rhode Island, and the Conway School of Landscape Design. She 
is a Research Associate and former Bullard Fellow of the Harvard Forest. She 
has conducted biological research in many ecosystems around the world, with a 
focus on plant physiological and evolutionary responses to climate change and 
the conservation biology of rare plants. She holds a PhD from Harvard 
University in Biology, MSc from University of Vermont, and BA from Brown 

Hope to see some of you!

Dr. Meena Haribal
409, Boyce Thompson Institute (BTI)
Ithaca NY 14853 USA
Email: m...@cornell.edu<mailto:m...@cornell.edu>

Ithaca area moths: http://tinyurl.com/kn6q2p4
Dragonfly book sample pages: http://www.haribal.org/140817samplebook.pdf


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


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