Scroll past the narrative for e-bird list of my morning hike at 
Lindsey-Parson's Biodiversity Preserve (LPBP).

This morning Sashie & I hiked 5-6 miles of trails at LPBP. 
Highlights: INDIGO BUNTING that came out and sang on a snag. Serenading VEERY 
sang from a shady tree branch allowing me to videotape. Several YELLOW-THROATED 
VIREOS were singing away. 

Sashie (my DACHSHUND/economy-sized watch dog) hiked on LEASH with me. We 
traversed entire length of the BLUE TRAIL and most of the Yellow Trail but were 
stymied by flooding. Part of the the yellow trail is flooded unless one is 
expected to canoe it unless I was reading the map wrong. I got a chuckle at 
seeing a yellow trail marker out in the middle of a swamp just above water 

INSECTS were plentiful. More DRAGONFLIES & DAMSELFLIES than I could keep track 
of in a brilliant array of luminescent colors. 

How does one bird watch, photograph, & videotape all while walking a leashed 
dog? Thread the leash through your belt or belt loop or use a carabiner to 
attach the leash to your belt. This leaves your hands-free to use 
binoculars,other gadgets, & read maps. Also gives you two hands for swatting 
FLIES. I had a great hike albeit tick check revealed one DEER TICK on Sashie. 
Deer ticks seem unavoidable this year no matter what precautions one takes. 

 Submitted from BirdLog NA for iOS, version 1.4.4
36 species 

Great Blue Heron  1
Green Heron  1
Ruby-throated Hummingbird  1     F
Belted Kingfisher  2
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)  1
Eastern Phoebe  1
Yellow-throated Vireo  4
Red-eyed Vireo  11
Blue Jay  6
American Crow  4
Tree Swallow  4
Barn Swallow  12
Black-capped Chickadee  3
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher  2
Veery  2
American Robin  10     Pair carrying food
Gray Catbird  1
Cedar Waxwing  8
Ovenbird  4
Blue-winged Warbler  2
Black-and-white Warbler  2
Common Yellowthroat  5
American Redstart  6
Yellow Warbler  4
Chestnut-sided Warbler  7
Prairie Warbler  1
Eastern Towhee  2
Field Sparrow  2
Song Sparrow  5
Northern Cardinal  1
Indigo Bunting  2
Bobolink  2
Red-winged Blackbird  4
Common Grackle  2
Baltimore Oriole  2
American Goldfinch  4
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