Hello All,

Becky Hansen and I led the CBC weekly Friday May walk at the Cornell
Arboretum this morning. We had two regular attendees show up on time, but a
bit later a woman and her young daughter and then even later a couple with
three children arrived. As always, interested children are the most amazing
spotters, listeners and learners.

 When I first arrived I spotted the resident Brown Thrasher just doing some
sharp chip notes. He flew off before others arrived but his song
accompanied us for most of the rest of the walk without him again revealing

Several Warbling Vireos, Yellow Warblers singing in many places, a small
kettle of 6 Broad Wings overhead, two Red-Tailed Hawks perched across 366,
a fly-over and then return Osprey who I am guessing is the Game Farm to
campus one that is being seen.  We had many, many robins, a flock of Barn
Swallows congregating in mid-air, couple of Tree Swallows.  Cardinals were
singing everywhere, we had good views of a couple of White-throated
Sparrows as we heard them singing in many spots.  Goldfinches cheerily
singing, Song Sparrows, several male and female Cowbirds, Black-capped
Chickadees foraging in a leafing out (needling out?)  larch, Yellow-rumped
Warblers and Kinglets in a large willow by the ponds.  And at least one
Pine Warbler (although I suspect more). This again is the one I heard the
other day that switches songs from a regular slow trill to a fast trill,
and then revises his fast trill to add a slow musical (although still one
tone) at the end.  And of course, Red-wing Blackbirds galore ,both males
and females in easy sight.

Becky and I then went over to Monkey Run south briefly where we saw a Grey
Catbird which is my FOS, although I did see one in the winter being unhappy
at East Hill Rec Way.

It was a fine day to be out.  Thanks to all who came.

Linda Orkin
Ithaca, NY

If you permit
this evil, what is the good
of the good of your life?
-Stanley Kunitz...


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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