At 1pm I was just about to set foot on the south end of Podell Boardwalk 
returning from a lunchtime circuit of the pond but lingered to watch 2 HAIRY 
WOODPECKER females chasing each other from tree to tree. Interesting that they 
were both female: much squeaking and peeking but no flicka’ing though they 
landed on the same tree several times and eyeballed each other.

To my east, I thought I heard a weird monotonic dog bark, but then the BARRED 
OWL must have turned to face me because 30 sec later it was a very clear 
WHO_COOKS_FOR_YOU without the following WHO_WA growl on the end. I estimate it 
was in the evergreens by the two gates on Sapsucker Woods but I walked back up 
and scanned for 15 min without a further call or a visual.

Also on this walk, I heard again an unusual call from an EASTERN PHOEBE that I 
noticed a few weeks ago when the first one arrived. At that time, there was 
only one, so the call was spontaneous, but today my attention was drawn to it 
because 2 of them spatted and one landed on a low branch, making both 
straightforward chips and then a soft ‘chi-bew’ (‘bew’  lower than ‘chi’) sound 
that is similar to some other flycatchers, interspersed with the chips. This 
time, it seemed to be a reaction sequence to the ‘fight’. I did not see how far 
away the other one was but think it was within 20’.


Chris Pelkie
Information/Data Manager; IT Support
Bioacoustics Research Program
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Road
Ithaca, NY 14850


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