Sounds like a great trip!

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Alex Wiebe <>
> Subject: [birding-club-at-cornell-l] Feb 23-25: Coastal Massachusetts Trip
> Date: February 8, 2018 at 8:34:18 PM EST
> To:
> Reply-To: Alex Wiebe <>
> Last weekend we had a group of seven people along for a fantastic Algonquin 
> trip. The highlight was undoubtedly a Northern Hawk Owl seen at close range 
> on Friday near Ottawa - the best way to kick off a weekend of winter birding 
> in the northeast! We also had a great finch showing with many Red and 
> White-winged Crossbills and Pine and Evening Grosbeaks, among more common 
> species. The full species list can be found below.
> Our next trip will be to coastal Massachusetts on Feb 23-25. We will be 
> leaving after classes the afternoon of Friday, Feb 23, and will return Sunday 
> evening. This is another cold trip, but there is some really cool species 
> potential! The trip ran for the first time last year, and some highlights 
> included lots of alcids (both murres, Dovekie, and Black Guillemot) and other 
> coastal winter species like Lapland Longspur and Iceland and Glaucous Gulls. 
> We will also target Barrow's Goldeneye, King Eider, Black-legged Kittiwake, 
> and Purple Sandpiper, among other species.
> If you are interested in this trip, please send me an email to get on the 
> list - we may have limited space!
> Thanks,
> Alex
> Algonquin Trip List:
> Trumpeter Swan (2)
> Gadwall (2)
> Redhead (1)
> Greater Scaup (50)
> Lesser Scaup (1)
> White-winged Scoter (80)
> Long-tailed Duck (40)
> Bufflehead (2)
> Common Goldeneye (31)
> Common Merganser (42)
> Red-breasted Merganser (52)
> Ruffed Grouse (1)
> Wild Turkey (10)
> Red-tailed Hawk (6)
> Rough-legged Hawk (2)
> Ring-billed Gull (515)
> Herring Gull (410)
> Iceland Gull (2)
> Lesser Black-backed Gull (1)
> Glaucous Gull (3)
> Great Black-backed Gull (57)
> Rock Pigeon (100)
> Mourning Dove (20)
> Snowy Owl (2)
> Northern Hawk Owl (1)
> Downy Woodpecker (3)
> Hairy Woodpecker (5)
> Pileated Woodpecker (1)
> Gray Jay (4)
> Blue Jay (36)
> American Crow (9)
> Common Raven (7)
> Black-capped Chickadee (44)
> Red-breasted Nuthatch (19)
> White-breasted Nuthatch (2)
> Brown Creeper (3)
> Golden-crowned Kinglet (2)
> European Starling (12)
> Dark-eyed Junco (12)
> White-throated Sparrow (1)
> Evening Grosbeak (33)
> Pine Grosbeak (2)
> Purple Finch (11)
> Red Crossbill (59)
> White-winged Crossbill (25)
> Pine Siskin (160)
> American Goldfinch (39)
> --
> To leave this listserv send a message with the word "leave" in the subject 
> and nothing in the body to


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