I started the morning by walking the Baldwin Preserve on Irish Settlement
Rd.  Going east from the parking lot, on the main trail, I noted that about
90% of the bird singing was coming from the scraggy property just to the
north.  The FLLT "managed" property was almost silent.  I finally heard a
HERMIT THRUSH, and later near 6-Mile Creek heard a voluble WINTER WREN and a


I then spent about an hour watching over a wetland near Hammond Hill SF.  I
heard one call from a VIRGINIA RAIL, and had a pair of WOOD DUCKS swimming
about in an abandoned beaver pond there.  The highlight was noting a MINK
coming to the bank with what looked like a meadow vole, swimming to a small
island, and disappearing for 15 minutes.  Meanwhile a MUSKRAT swam in and
began patrolling the island edges.  I was beginning to be concerned for the
muskrat as the mink appeared again, but not to worry.  Muskrat took out
after the mink and chased it down the pond edge.  Mink gone, muskrat
continued its patrol.  Ten minutes later, the mink suddenly erupted from the
water, running across a raft of old beaver branches with the muskrat in hot
pursuit, teeth clicking.


On my way back to the road, I saw a NORTHERN GOSHAWK spiraling slowly
overhead doing the "tail-flagging" display, a courtship display where the
feathers at the base of the tail are puffed out showing two broad white
patches on either side of the bird's fuselage.


Steve Fast





Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds

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