I went out at 5:45 for the pre-dawn chorus. The temperature was 32 degrees F. 
From my place on Tupper Road I walked a few hundred yards over to Beech Hill 
Brook in the Lindsay-Parsons Preserve, hoping for some Hermit Thrushes. On my 
way I passed several Eastern Towhees that were exchanging "chewink" calls. When 
I got to the brink of the ravine, the falls below were making a lot of noise, 
and I couldn't hear any Hermits, but from downstream I caught the distant 
ringing song of a Louisiana Waterthrush, proclaiming in the traditional nesting 
territory. So I walked down that way to enjoy it up close. I was pretty happy 
to find it there, because the flood of 2015 had scoured the gorge severely, and 
I'm not sure that nesting even took place last year. 

I crossed the brook and ascended to "the back stairs" (local nickname for 
steep, narrow Beech Hill Road). There I found a single Yellow-rumped Warbler 
singing in the hemlocks, but no Hermit Thrushes yet. At the second "landing" 
(think stairs again) I turned west, descended to the stream and climbed up the 
other side to reach the Danby/Newfield town line and cross back into my own 
property. In a grove of spruces there I finally heard a Hermit Thrush, and 
found a Ruby-crowned Kinglet too, probably the same one that showed up there 



Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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