Just a reminder that tomorrow evening (Tuesday, June 2 at 7:30 PM), I’ll be
giving a Zoom presentation on some of the wonders and curiosities of this
year’s Spring Bird Quest.  Already response has been great, but there is
plenty of room in our virtual meeting hall for more!

The event is free of charge but re-registration is required. Here are the
key links again.

Event page:

Zoom registration link:

This weekend, I paid two more visits to the Goetchius Wetland Preserve in
Caroline, to close out my month-long SBQ efforts to find and document birds
on Finger Lakes Land Trust properties.  I didn’t find anything unexpected,
though I picked up a calling BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO and eked out an EASTERN
KINGBIRD, which I somehow missed on all my other Land Trust outings in May.

In the end, my month-long Spring Bird Quest species tally reached 118,
accumulated on 22 visits to 11 preserves.

Campbell Meadow, Dryden:  3 visits, 46 species

Etna Nature Preserve, Etna:  1 visit, 29 species

Genung Nature Preserve, Freevillle:  5 visits, 70 species

Goetchius Wetland Preserve, Caroline:  5 visits, 66 species

Kingsbury Woods Conservation Area, Danby:  1 visit, 35 species

Lindsay-Parsons Biodiversity Preserve, West Danby:  1 visit, 49 species

Logan Hill Nature Preserve, Candor:  2 visits, 65 species

Dorothy McIlroy Bird Sanctuary, Summerhill:  1 visit, 41 species

Roy H. Park Preserve, Dryden:  1 visit, 41 species

Salmon Creek Bird Sanctuary, Lansing:  1 visit, 37 species

Sweedler Preserve at Lick Brook, Ithaca:  1 visit, 19 species

Donations are still coming in (and are most welcome at
https://www.fllt.org/donate/), but already I think we can project a gift
total to the Land Trust of at least $4K, well within the usual SBQ range.
Many thanks to all who have given, who are considering a SBQ donation now,
and who have been supporting the Land Trust already.

I look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow night!

Mark Chao


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


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