I am planning on doing several zoom meetings leading up to the peak breeding 
season. We are going to focus on how to use ebird for the atlas, look at 
results of last year's efforts, what we need to focus on this year, and some 
basic atlasing, like blocks, breeding codes etc. Another thing I will discuss 
it the possibility of doing COVID-safe bird atlas walks in June for training 
purposes (central NY only).  I will also be on hand to answer questions. Please 
join me and consider helping in the NY BBA.  The audience is intended for folks 
in central NY but all in NY can attend. I just won't be able to do atlas 
training bird walks if you are far from central NY! 
Also please spread this email to as many birders, clubs as you sed fit. I tried 
to include the folks I know or the various central NY email listservs.  Some of 
these listservs don't seem to work anymore. So I would ask you to forward to 
all lists that you have.  Thanks. 
see below to sign up. 
Best,Dave Nicosia,  NYSBBA III Central Region Coordinator
David Nicosia is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: NY Breeding Bird Atlas III  E-Bird Tutorial , Year 1 results,  and 
Basics on Atlasing  Time: Mar 3, 2021 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom 
Meeting ID: 852 6768 3776Passcode: 885216One tap 
mobile+19294362866,,85267683776#,,,,*885216# US (New 
York)+13017158592,,85267683776#,,,,*885216# US (Washington DC)
Dial by your location        +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)        +1 301 715 
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7799 US (Houston)        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)        +1 253 215 8782 
US (Tacoma)Meeting ID: 852 6768 3776Passcode: 885216Find your local number:

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