Just a reminder that tonight is our February meeting of the Cayuga Bird 
Club. Although the meeting begins at 7:30, please note that the Reading of the 
List will be reordered to take place at 7:15, prior to the regular business 
meeting, to safeguard the speakers' time while retaining this long-standing 
tradition during the more "social" and interactive time ahead of the business 
 Ken Rosenberg, Diane Morton & Ken Kemphues will present, "A Birding Tour of 
Morocco".  The three of them, along with seven other participants, experienced 
a memorable birding tour of Morocco last spring. Their exploration went from 
the city of Marrakech to the High Atlas Mountains, Middle Atlas, plains, Sahara 
Desert, and the Atlantic coast, each area with birds specialized to their 
unique habitats. In addition to North African endemic species such as the 
Northern Bald Ibis, Pharaoh Eagle-Owl, and Cream-colored Courser, they found 
migrant songbirds, over a dozen species of larks, and several delightful 
Sandgrouse species. Come join us as they share their experience in this 
beautiful country — birds, vibrant culture, and varied landscapes. About 
the speakers: Ken Rosenberg is a lifelong birder and attended Cornell 
University as an undergraduate. After receiving his PhD from Louisiana State 
University, he returned to Cornell. He has recently retired from his joint 
position as an Senior Scientist with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the 
American Bird Conservancy, where his focus was on the conservation status and 
distribution of bird populations, particularly migratory birds. He is the lead 
author of the 2019 paper published in Science with the staggering report that 
nearly 3 billion North American birds have been lost since 1970.Ken Kemphues 
and Diane Morton are active members of the Cayuga Bird Club; Ken is the Cayuga 
Bird Club’s treasurer and Diane is a past president and current director 
of the club. They are both retired from Cornell’s Department of Molecular 
Biology and Genetics where Ken was a Professor and Diane a Senior Research 
Associate. They met as post-docs while at the University of Colorado, and have 
been married for 38 years. They both enjoy leading bird club field trips and 
traveling to see birds.
Cayuga Bird Club meetings start at 7:30 pm on the second Monday of each month, 
September through June, and are free and open to the public. In-person meetings 
at the Lab of Ornithology start with cookies at 7:00pm and club business at 
7:30pm, followed by the speaker's presentation which ends by 9:00pm. We will 
attempt to make presentations available virtually, either as a recording posted 
a few days later, or via a Zoom meeting.

Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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