On Thursday the 28th, while looking for short eared owls on Dean Rd in Lodi, 
Seneca County, a flock of snow geese flew over, mostly hidden by the 
low-hanging clouds.  They were heading south, but circled back north before 
going out of ear shot.  Merlin indicated that in addition to snow geese, there 
were tundra swans and cackling geese in the flock.  Should Merlin be believed?

From: bounce-127957809-3494...@list.cornell.edu 
<bounce-127957809-3494...@list.cornell.edu> On Behalf Of Dave Nutter
Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2023 10:10 AM
To: CAYUGABIRDS-L <cayugabird...@list.cornell.edu>
Subject: [cayugabirds-l] Count Week Tundra Swans

A few minutes ago a flock of 26 TUNDRA SWANS circled over downtown Ithaca, last 
seen heading south. Caleb Centanni (whom I just met) and I saw them first from 
near the Children’s Garden and then I hustled home to add them to my daily yard 
list. I think this is an unusual species for the count, and being flyovers, I 
suspect they will not stick around until January 1, even though they were not 
very high.
- - Dave Nutter
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