I thought all hardware was in SJC?
The most noticeable delay (sat lab in SYD) I found was in CUCMA webpages but if
you know where and what to configure it doesn't add much time.
Actually gives you a second or two to think about the config
From: ccie_voice-boun...@onlinestudylist.com
Are you doing this failover in the VGW or CUCM?
If I understand it correctly this is probably what you're after;
voice class h323 1
h225 timeout tcp establish 3 <-- number of seconds before timeout
dial-peer voice 1000 voip <- whatever your h323 peer is to branch
voice-class h323 1
From: cc
Hit the transfer button directly after dialling the number?
There is a direct transfer softkey but that's used to connect two parties
currently both on hold (allowing you to drop out without conferencing)
From: ccie_voice-boun...@onlinestudylist.com