
I've come up with few questions during my preparation. Require help in 
answering following queries:

1) What default COS-DSCP-MAP 
needs to be changed when configuring Campus wide QOS? I think only COS 5 needs 
to be mapped to 46-47 instead of 42-47 even if it is not asked in the Lab. 

set qos cos-dscp-map 0 10 18 26 34 46 48 56 

Is there any change 
required in dscp to cos map as well? 
set qos dscp-cos-map 0-7:0 8-15:1 
16-23:2 24-31:3 32-39:4 40-47:5 48-55:6 56-63:7 

2) UniverCD is getting 
discontinued. Does someone know exactly what Cisco documentation (URL) would be 
available in place of UniverCD and what'll be the restrictions to access the 

3) If codec sampling rate needs to be changed on H.323 GW (for 
ex for G.729 from 20ms to 30 ms), should we change only at GW level and CCM 
negotiate or both sides need to be changed? How about MGCP Gateway? 

4) Do we need to enable spanning-tree portfast on Cat6k port 
connecting to IP Phones? Say Lab exam doesn't mention but about enabling 
spanning-tree portfast but it does ask to configure data and voice vlan on IP 
Phone ports. 

5) When using 6608-T1 or E1 with CAS, how can we configure 
it to use only first three time-slots? Is this done the same way as done for 
fractional PRI by configuring service parameters or by configuring only 1-3 
ports for incoming/outgoing/both directions under MGCP gateway config? 

6) When 6608-T1/E1 is configured for CAS, does the lab mention which 
type of signaling needs to be configured per timeslot for ex. 
wink-start,delay-start etc. or leave it default to wink-start? 

7) In 
case of H.323 GW, if default channel-selection-order needs to be changed from 
bottom up to top down, is this need to be changed under isdn interface only or 
at CCM Gateway 
confiugration page as well? 

8) While registering CCM Pub and Sub to GK 
with Tech prefix, GK does the load-balancing of calls to both the CCMs when 
using 1# as default-technology prefix. This behaviour can be overriden by 
configuring "zone prefix test 1# 2... gw-priority 10 ccm_1" command. Now, if 
previous command is not put in, what is the quickest and efficient way to check 
which CCM server the call was routed to i.e. Pub or Sub, to ensure GK is 
calls to both CCM Server and doing load-balancing? Is debug gatekeeper main 
5/main 10 or some other wayout?

9) 1005 is a hunt-pilot having 1001 
(HQ Phone 1) and 2001 (BR1 Phone 1). When a VM is left for 1005 during out of 
office hours all the phones should get MWI. Workbook  solution (Create a 
CTIRP,forward to VM during out of office hours etc is done) creates a Public 
Distribution List and adds 
1001 and 2001 to that list. Adds a Call Handeler for 1005 and points it to PDL 
created earlier to achieve this.
Can't we create a mailbox for 1005 and 
configure alternate extention 1001 and 2001 also enable MWI for 1001 and 2001? 
Is this not a working solution? P 1- (126 IPExpert voice proctor 

Kapil Atrish

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