Hi Sampath,

We had a very similar case, an octamer (422 symmetry) in C2 space group.
What saved us for solving the structure (and by the way interpreting the
self-rotation function !!) was a low resolution electron microscopy
envelope (silver stain and cryo-EM)  that gave us the organisation of the
octamer. Sure, the condition is that the content of the asymetric unit
corresponds to what you have in solution.
I would bet you have 6 or 9 molecules in the asymmetric unit corresponding
to very low or very solvent content.

Good luck,

> Dear All,
> I have a problem in analyze the self rotation function. My crystal is
> belongs to C2 space group. According to Mathews calculation, this crystal
> shows 7 or 8 molecules in the asymmetric unit. But I couldn't conclude the
> number molecules in the A.U. So I calculated the self rotation function
> using the program MOLREF. But Still I am not able to interpret the results
> using that. Here I'm attaching the figures which I calculated the self
> rotation function with different chi angles. Could anyone help me to find
> the symmetry of molecules in the A.U? It will be great helping me to solve
> the structure.
> Thanking you,
> Sincerely
> Sampath



Pr Claudine MAYER
Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7

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