Before starting your dummy refmac job to write out the appropriate cif
file, you will need to use Coot adjust the positions of the Cys and
other Zn-ligand side chains to appropriate positions (consisatent with
your electron density maps, of course) to coordinate to Zn. Typical
Zn-S bonds
Thanks to all for responding..
Infact precisely i am looking for some server that can calculate hydrogen
bonds, electrostatic interactions, and hydrophobic interactions present in
various pdbs...simultaneously
Hello Eleanor and Roger Rowlett and everyone,
I am still having a tough time with coordinated metal refinements in
refmac ( and coot )
I followed Rogers suggestion of creating a pseudo refmac run and then
using the output cif definition for Cys -SG Zn as an input for further
refinement. Even If I
As a piece of trivia regarding low-MW-PEG-as-solvent:
the original paper in which the active compound of hashish (THC) was
discovered (Science or Nature 1970's), the active fraction was dissolved in
PEG-300 (I believe that was the MW), and injected into monkeys. If I recall
correctly, the monk
I have had some success with low molecular weight PEG eg. PEG200.
On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 1:00 PM, Tuhin Bhowmick
> Dear All,
> does anyone have any clever suggestion/s for handling the solubility problem
> of highly hydrophobic compound, during co-crystallization or inhibiti
Dear All,
does anyone have any clever suggestion/s for handling the solubility problem
of highly hydrophobic compound, during co-crystallization or inhibition
assays? The ligands I am using are almost insoluble in aquous medium
(precipitates out or becomes turbid at ~1 micro molar conc.). In DM
Has anyone answered this?
hari jayaram wrote:
Am trying to build coordinated Zn+2 by CYS -SG atoms and have it
refine properly in refmac5.5
I added ZN ions in Coot at the Fo-Fc peaks. Then I defined manually
the coordination relations in a text editor using LINK records.
the ions we
Vinson LIANG wrote:
Dear all,
I have fit my ligand into its density with coot. Then, I add the
ligand into the protein's pdb and try to do refine with refmac5.
First, the error comes,
error message
Refmac_5.5.0109: New ligand has been encountered. Stopping now
I encountered a similar problem, the way I solved it was to edit either the cif
file or the pdb file to make the signifiers either the XX or the Bb the same.
So that they are consistant over the two files.
For example in the one I used one atom had a # afterwards in the pdb file but a
* in
Dear all,
I have fit my ligand into its density with coot. Then, I add the ligand into
the protein's pdb and try to do refine with refmac5. First, the error comes,
error message
Refmac_5.5.0109: New ligand has been encountered. Stopping now
The next time, I input the .cif file genera
Depending on what exactly you are looking for, you may try
PDBeMotif: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe-site/pdbemotif/
PISA: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/msd-srv/prot_int/pistart.html
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 6:02 PM, gauri misra wrote:
> Hi,
> Which free online servers are best for calculation of non
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