Hi Brett,
Like everyone said best way is to find the crystal is worth pursuing
is to find its diffraction. On regular basis observing things in the
drops and wondering what it might mean is a regular exercise during
And such observations are very valuable to go further.

1) if you have a way to find diffraction that would work best as many said.
2) It is here UV imaging (if you have access) will be of tremendous use
3) Dye techniques
4) If you haven't tried expansion trials try it.
5) seeding techniques

best wishes

On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 8:49 PM, Acoot Brett <acootbr...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Dear All,
> I am optimizing a crystal. In one of the optimizing conditions I find the
> crystal is cubic-like shape (the crystal is not large, but absolutely not
> the traditional "tiny crystal". The crystal has some kind of faces and
> edges but not so sharp, and it is absolutely not round). But after 1 day
> the crystal changed into sphere form (the "cubic" not obvious).
> Will you please introduce your experience on how to get the sharp face and
> sharp edge crystal for my situation)?
> There is source says if the crystal grows too faster, the sharpness would
> be lost. Will you please also let me know how to slow down the growth rate
> of the crystal?
> Cheers,
> Acoot


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