Re: [ccp4bb] Expi 293 (Met-) expression medium for selenomethionine labeling

2020-03-11 Thread Weaver, Grant
Hi Laura, For what it’s worth, you’re not alone. I ordered two bottles back in January and have gotten availability dates ranging from March to May. However, it might be worth calling Thermo and checking with them on your specific order. Last week I was told that they had a batch that was under

Re: [ccp4bb] [ [ccp4bb] An error in the IUCr Online Dictionary of Crystallography] (fwd)

2020-03-11 Thread Gerard Bricogne
Dear all, I don't quite know what to say about the direction in which the initial topic is getting derailed ... . The substance of it is that an official (IUCr) online definition of a statistic very much relied upon contained both a mathematical error and an erroneous verbal description

Re: [ccp4bb] [ [ccp4bb] An error in the IUCr Online Dictionary of Crystallography] (fwd)

2020-03-11 Thread Rasmus Fogh
Dear Eleanor, In the English I (and Gerard) learned at school, 'he' was (also) the generic way to refer to an unknown person. In the English of the future, the use of 'he' may well be discouraged altogether. Meanwhile the top generic pronoun is currently 'they'. So, who knows how you are sup

Re: [ccp4bb] [ [ccp4bb] An error in the IUCr Online Dictionary of Crystallography] (fwd)

2020-03-11 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Am I missing something? He? She? It? Are they now interchangeable? On Wed, 11 Mar 2020 at 16:15, Tim Gruene wrote: > Dear Gerard, > > you are wrong. 'he' in this context has as much information as 'someone' > and > 'person'. It does not refer to the sex of the person spoken about. > > Best rega

Re: [ccp4bb] Expi 293 (Met-) expression medium for selenomethionine labeling

2020-03-11 Thread Artem Evdokimov
Hello Bad news: Expi cells work poorly in non-Expi medium :( Good news: you can add SelenoMet and make partially seleniated protein, which is usually enough. Note that too much SeMet is pretty toxic, and that the toxicity is associated with BOTH enantiomers of the amino acid, so if you have the ab

Re: [ccp4bb] [ [ccp4bb] An error in the IUCr Online Dictionary of Crystallography] (fwd)

2020-03-11 Thread Tim Gruene
Dear Gerard, you are wrong. 'he' in this context has as much information as 'someone' and 'person'. It does not refer to the sex of the person spoken about. Best regards, Tim On Wednesday, March 11, 2020 4:44:47 PM CET Gerard DVD Kleywegt wrote: > >>> Sorry to have taken this matter up

Re: [ccp4bb] [ [ccp4bb] An error in the IUCr Online Dictionary of Crystallography] (fwd)

2020-03-11 Thread Gerard DVD Kleywegt
Sorry to have taken this matter up in such a visible manner: I noticed this very wrong formula in someone's paper, and that person then told me where he had found it. Having landed on that page, I didn't know where to go For the students: "someone" = systematic absence of information = 0

Re: [ccp4bb] [3dem] Which resolution?

2020-03-11 Thread Gerard DVD Kleywegt
If this is the case, why can't we use model B factors to validate our structure? I know some people are skeptical about this approach because B factors are refinable parameters. Rangana It is not clear to me exactly what you are asking. B factors _should_ be validated, precisely because they

[ccp4bb] Problem opening Jligand

2020-03-11 Thread Jennifer Miles
Hi all, I hope someone can help. I want to use Jligand to generate a description of a link but am having problems getting the software to work. I use a mac and in the current version of ccp4 (7.0) I have, when I try to open it in coot it opens a tab on the top menu bar but nothing else happens

Re: [ccp4bb] Expi 293 (Met-) expression medium for selenomethionine labeling

2020-03-11 Thread Roversi, Pietro (Dr.)
Dear Laura, a few years ago - when I realised that mamalian cell expression media *without Met* costed much more than *with Met* because it is classified as custom media - I tried to persuade the rep that there was a market for it - to no avail. I did then plan an experiment in which I would de