Ah yes, fond memories of that mirrored contraption!
There were also wooden contraptions to strap on one's head with image-merging
mirrors in them. We had fun lining up equal-height friends and merging them.
But both of those did have the downside that getting engrossed in electron
density whi
Dear All,
Scripps Florida have a brand new Jeol CryoARM300, the first between
Glasgow and the Pacific Ocean (going west).
Dr Izard has a Post-doc position available to use it. This would be
especially attractive for someone interested in cell adhesion and who hates
cold dark winters
it is my understanding that Quad-buffered Stereo is far from dead and
will continue to work, at least according to this NVIDIA FAQ page:
I was pretty relieved when I learned of that. I would be devastated
without the option to buil