[ccp4bb] publishing models in pdf's (TiBS articles-in-press)

2008-08-20 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
there are a couple TiBS articles in press on the publication of molecular models in .pdf documents : Kumar, et. al. "Grasping molecular structures through publication-integrated 3D models" http://tinyurl.com/686hvz the 3D models are in the _supplemental_ .pdf file, so when it "doesn't work", m

Re: [ccp4bb] Fw: Re: [ccp4bb] Structural importance of ordered water?

2008-06-18 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
On Wed, 18 Jun 2008, Paul Kraft wrote: Are there any reports of the comparison of the number of bound waters in crystal structures vs NMR structures? Paul Kraft this is discussed inter alia in : Mattos, C. & Ringe, D., Solvent Structure, in International Tables for Crystallography (Rossman,

Re: [ccp4bb] poll: cutoff for "high resolution"

2008-05-15 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
On Thu, 15 May 2008, William Scott wrote: On May 15, 2008, at 10:01 AM, Ed Pozharski wrote: 1.2A (not surprisingly since this is about the length of covalent bond). A carbon-carbon single bond is about 1.55 Å. the van der Waals radius of hydrogen is 1.2A (Eisenberg/Crothers, Pauling, 1960 )

Re: [ccp4bb] HKL2000 and gcc4 - redux

2008-05-07 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
> mosflm Bill just beat me to writing the same. I would mention XDS as well. labelit will index your images http://adder.lbl.gov/labelit/ ... then you give the scripts to mosflm. there's plenty of Acta Cryst. there to read too. -bryan

Re: [ccp4bb] Help with Superpose results

2008-04-08 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
an interesting way to compare structures from the same protein sequence is reported here : acta cryst D56 714-721, 2000 "objective comparison of protein structures : error-scaled difference distance matrice" acta cryst D60 2269-2275, 2004 "domain identification by iterative analysis of error

Re: [ccp4bb] Model ensemble for x-ray crystallography

2008-03-28 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
At 10:13 AM 3/28/2008, Lucas Bleicher wrote : Some time ago I've heard about the idea of proposing an ensemble of models (as in NMR), instead of a single model for x-ray crystallography structures. If I remember correctly, this idea has been published somewhere. Can anyone tell me what article

Re: [ccp4bb] differences between Rsym and Rmerge

2008-01-18 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
On Fri, 18 Jan 2008, Edwin Pozharski wrote: So Rmerge does tell you something, but only in context with all the other information. this is what Whewell termed the consilience of inductions in the 19th century (which others have expanded since). -bryan

[ccp4bb] scala : SdB

2008-01-17 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
just want to check my understanding on scala. the manual says : "SdB may be omitted in the input and its use is not recommended. Default values are 1.0, 0.0, 0.02" the example shown is : sdcorrection full 1.4 0.11 part 1.4 0.05 .. i.e. if SdB were set, it would have been between the 1.4 and

[ccp4bb] fffear/pirate/buccaneer and SIGFP

2008-01-16 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
do any of fffear/pirate/buccaneer use SIGFP in a significant/meaningful way? -bryan

Re: [ccp4bb] Off topic, but am desparate...

2008-01-16 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
On Wed, 16 Jan 2008, Jacob Keller wrote: I would like to plot as a "heat" or "color map" on the 2d rectangle [...] cannot figure out how to do this in gnuplot or anywhere, consider gnuplot pm3d (not readily obvious for googling, is it) http://t16web.lanl.gov/Kawano/gnuplot/plotpm3d-e.html -br

[ccp4bb] pirate and R-free

2008-01-11 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
running pirate 0.4.9 w/ gui ; the documentation suggests that R-free can be left unassigned - yet, pirate fails, claiming : colin-wrk-free /*/*/[Unassigned] CCP4MTZfile: import_hkl_data - Missing column, crystal or dataset: /*/*/Unassigned ... so i really need R-free? -bryan

[ccp4bb] source for forceps/clamps that fit around cryovials

2007-12-07 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
could anyone drop the name of a source for those tweezer-like clamps whose ends fit perfectly around a Nunc/CryoCap cryovial? one very famous source seems not to have them. these are not the locking clamps or thick metal tongs, but are more like tweezers with the ends curved into half-circles

[ccp4bb] non crystallographic symmetry and space group /symmetry determination : reviews?

2007-11-13 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
i can't seem to find any reviews that specifically consider how NCS influences space group / symmetry determination - though there are plenty individual accounts. can anyone cite a review or even a book chapter on such a topic? or maybe even some cases of non-obvious indexing errors? of cour

[ccp4bb] pointless (1.2.0) and enantiomorphic SG's

2007-11-08 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
when pointless (1.2.0) finds enantiomorphic SG's, what is the criterion for 'Selecting' one over the other? e.g. i ran pointless on some tetragonal data, and the enantiomorphs SG92/SG96 are selected as strong candidates Spacegroup TotProb SysAbsProb Reindex Conditions

[ccp4bb] opinion : phaser RMSD vis-a-vis LLG, Z-score

2007-11-02 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
neglecting e-density, packing, etc. - what matters most to people when running phaser - LLG or Z-score? in what function (RF, TF)? further, if you 'refine' the RMSD to find the best RMSD, what is the more robust indicator - LLG or Z-score? lastly - is it better to have a high LLG/Z-score wit

Re: [ccp4bb] Pseudo-merohedral twinning and Molecular replacement

2007-10-31 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
On Mon, 29 Oct 2007, Iain Kerr wrote: The cumulative intensity distribution plot from crystal A did suggest partial twinning (attached, doesn't look too bad though..) notwithstanding other plots/statistics, does the cum. intens. dist. plot (e.g. from truncate) really show a continuum from untw

Re: [ccp4bb] Pseudo-merohedral twinning and Molecular replacement

2007-10-30 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
On Mon, 29 Oct 2007, Iain Kerr wrote: The cumulative intensity distribution plot from crystal A did suggest partial twinning (attached, doesn't look too bad though..) notwithstanding other plots/statistics, does the cum. intens. dist. plot (e.g. from truncate) really show a continuum from untw

Re: [ccp4bb] problems with map ->-> refmac SAD function

2007-10-19 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, Kay Diederichs wrote: Acta Cryst. (2004). D60, 2196-2201 Direct incorporation of experimental phase information in model refinement P. Skub?k, G. N. Murshudov and N. S. Pannu the refmac documentation(s) mention Rice, MLHL, etc., but i didn't see explicit mention of SAD - i

Re: [ccp4bb] Wavelength of Copper Kalpha

2007-10-10 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
On Wed, 10 Oct 2007, Jim Pflugrath wrote: It has come to my attention that the wavelength of a Copper Kalpha may have changed over the years. At least this appears to be true if you look at the International Tables. the 'natural' isotopic distribution must have changed, as it has with the bi

[ccp4bb] mosflm orientation matrix and symmetry

2007-09-24 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
does the mosflm orientation matrix specify the crystal system and only the crystal system? i.e, given an orientation matrix from autoindexing, it would be correct to simply use keyword 'SYMMETRY SPACEGROUP' in mosflm to refine then integrate in any of the spacegroups within a given crystal sys

[ccp4bb] worst mr probes summary

2007-09-22 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
a quick summary on 'the worst MR probes' Pierre Rizkallah: X-ray Structure Solution of Amaryllis Lectin by Molecular Replacement with Only 4% of the Total Diffracting Matter. L. Chantalat, S.D. Wood, P.J. Rizkallah, C.D. Reynolds (1996). Acta Crystallographica, D52, pp. 1146-1152 Poul Nissen: Ni

[ccp4bb] the worst molecular replacment probes

2007-09-21 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
would anyone be willing to share stories of the worst molecular replacement search probes they used to get the correct solution purely with MR? perhaps in terms of %-scattering, RMSD, Z-score, LLG, or other possibly specific scoring values. -bryan

[ccp4bb] phaser ensemble xyz output

2007-09-20 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
should i take it that when given > 1 .pdb in an ensemble, phaser will output only the first member of the ensemble, and its up to the user to tranform the others? if so, i gather there are no keywords to make phaser do that automatically? -bryan

[ccp4bb] phaser and percent composition result [ part 2]

2007-09-18 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
i wrote "(ensemble) / (sequence)" to get a percent composition i forgot to emphasize that i do not mean the Vm or the "Z" composition, but the composition as one would enter e.g. COMPosition ENSEmble mol1 FRACtional 0.22 or COMPosition SCAttering -bryan

[ccp4bb] phaser and percent composition result

2007-09-18 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
the phaser docs/tutorial indicate that phaser calculates what could be called "(ensemble) / (sequence)" to get a percent composition, however i cannot seem to find the direct result from this in any output (.sol, .sum, .pdb, .log... other?) any tips appreciated as to if this can be found / whe

Re: [ccp4bb] just how bad can phases be and still help

2007-09-06 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
On Thu, 6 Sep 2007, William Scott wrote: I think the reason it works is because the lack of closure error is nearly random and the signal is not interesting notion Low initial FOM in many senses are good [..] because density modification has more latitude my understanding was that density m

[ccp4bb] just how bad can phases be and still help

2007-09-06 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
general question - perhaps the fundamental question - for anyone who had "weak/poor/bad" phases from some source, that were later actually used to solve a structure when combined w/ another source - HOW bad were the worst phases on their own, in terms of resolution, FOM, CC, e-density, (any ot

[ccp4bb] phaser + phased-TF

2007-08-31 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
if it doesn't now, will phaser be able to run a phased translation function in the future? -bryan

[ccp4bb] pointless / batch number / axial hkl

2007-08-31 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
[1] is there a way to make pointless read only up to a certain batch number? [2] should pointless compare axial reflections along all axes regardless of input spacegroup? i.e, is it a waste of time to permute axes when indexing? e.g, if pointless reports this : Zone Nu

Re: [ccp4bb] small molecule refinement GUI for Mac

2007-08-31 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
On Fri, 31 Aug 2007, William Scott wrote: That interface in the grand modern bazaar of free software, we shall see (not from me) an elegant bleeding edge gui this afternoon... late this afternoon.. ok, an overnight build... in a CVS repository... SOMEthing.. -bryan

[ccp4bb] adjustable loops, other cryo mounting methods

2007-08-09 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
could anyone comment on the use of these adjustable cryoloops that are out there? could you bend the loop without unmounting from the goniometer? how many times could you adjust it? and has anyone seen cryomounting equipment that is something akin to a capillary mount? i.e., capillary action

[ccp4bb] model building and hardware (tangent)

2007-06-22 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
this post is is tangential to the model building/hardware thread - anything useful presented here is purely coincidental: tangible model building action shot: http://puffer.tamu.edu/cs_computer.htm [slide all the way to the right] http://www.bassictech.com/blogs/bassictech_news_blog/archive/200


2007-06-08 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
On Fri, 8 Jun 2007, Anthony Addlagatta wrote: Seeding! since these crystals are undesirable, how about heterogeneous nucleation w/ xtals that have nice properties, or even something like this: pnas 2006 17jan06 103 3 596-691 -bryan

[ccp4bb] calc. of rots to align recip. space axes w/ beam

2007-05-21 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
are there any free programs which, given a diffraction image, will calculate the rotations necessary to align any of the reciprocal space axes w/ the beam? i looked through mosflm and dataman, so unless i missed it... -bryan

[ccp4bb] Laue for heavy atoms, etc.

2007-05-11 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
does anyone know of any reports where heavy atom positions were identified by any method (or mol. rep.) in a Laue data set (or sets)? also - i thought there was some Laue work out there on watching virus nucleic acids move around in a crystal, so again, if anyone knows any references (or names

Re: [ccp4bb] twin fraction varies between crystals?

2007-04-17 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
could anyone share their experience in seeding from a low-twin fraction crystal found in a drop with high twin-fraction crystals? -bryan

Re: [ccp4bb] journals with on-hold policy

2007-02-16 Thread Bryan W. Lepore
i heard that some journals will give the referees the coordinates if they ask. so next time you review a paper, ask. -bryan