Dear all,

We invite young scientists to participate at the 3rd International Meeting
of HeCrA (Hellenic Crystallographic Association) for young researchers that
will be held on 13-14 July, 2019 at the University of Patras in Patras,

The meeting aims to reinforce European scientific communication and
speakers will emphasize on the methodology, difficulties as well as
troubleshooting steps they followed during their research. The event is
supported by the European Crystallographic Association (ECA).

10 scholarships of 100 euros will be available for young participants from
abroad. To apply for the scholarship, please, send a short CV and apply at
our email address (

For more details please visit our website:

Abstract submission deadline: 30/6/2019

Looking forward to seeing you in Patras,

On behalf of the organizing committee

Efthimios Kyriakis
Department of Biochemistry & Biotechnology
University of Thessaly, Biopolis, 41500, Larissa
(+30) 2410565297


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