Dear All,

An ERC-funded post-doctoral position is available in the Mattiroli 
group<> at the Hubrecht 
Institute in Utrecht, the Netherlands. We study the mechanism of chromatin 
assembly during DNA replication, using comprehensive in vitro reconstitutions, 
combined with biochemical and structural approaches. We are looking for a 
highly motivated, independent scientist, who thrives in a collaborative 
environment. The candidate should have a strong background in protein 
biochemistry and/or structural biology.

The Hubrecht Institute is a center of excellence with a high standard of 
biological research and an interactive atmosphere, with shared group meetings 
and social events. Our group has also interactions with local structural 
biology and biophysics groups located at the University of Utrecht and nearby 

Job posting:

Please email your CV, motivation letter and names of three referees to<>
For further information, contact me directly.

Best wishes,


Francesca Mattiroli
Hubrecht Institute
Uppsalalaan 8
3584 CT Utrecht
The Netherlands

Phone: +31 (0)30 212 18 00


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