The OXYTRAIN training network (see offers 12 PhD fellowships 
for a program on mechanistic and applied enzymology research. OXYTRAIN is a 
joint academic/non-academic training initiative supporting the convergence of 
biochemistry, enzyme engineering and biotechnology.

The most talented and motivated students will be selected for a 3-year advanced 
multidisciplinary research training, starting July 2017. Fellows will obtain 
specialist training through cutting-edge research projects, specialist advanced 
courses and training schools, complemented by workshops on transferable skills. 
In addition, fellows will have the opportunity to go abroad on international 
secondments at leading places in academia and industry.
The OXYTRAIN research program aims at developing effective oxygenases that can 
be used for selective oxidation reactions. This project, ESR2, will focus on 
improving the rate of catalysis, understanding the molecular basis for 
formation and stabilisation of the oxidising enzyme intermediate in Flavin 
Monooxygenases (FMO) and boosting enzyme robustness by establishing (1) 
efficient expression systems for soluble and membrane-bound eukaryotic FMOs; 
(2) protocols for protein purification as to provide the material for 
structural and biochemical studies; and, (3) providing structure determination 
of enzymes and enzyme-ligand complexes including analysis of valuable mutants.
The work will involve the production, crystallization and structure elucidation 
of human FMOs, as no structure is available yet for these flavoproteins, in 
spite of them playing a crucial role in metabolism of drugs and metabolites. 
The FMOs will also be studied regarding their mechanistic features.

The Structural Enzymology group, headed by Prof Mattevi, is currently hosting 
five Postdoctoral Fellows, five PhD students, a technician and several Master 
students. The common theme of the research projects in the group is the 
investigation of medically relevant proteins and enzymes with interesting 
chemical properties. The core of the research activity is represented by X-ray 
crystallography, employed to study protein three-dimensional structures; this 
is complemented by other approaches such as biochemistry, biophysics, cell 
biology and computational chemistry. Key contributions include the first 
crystal structure of a Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase (phenylacetone 
monooxygenase from Thermobifida fusca), the first crystal structure of a 
thermostable Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase (Cyclohexanone monooxygenase from 
Thermocrispum municipale) and the first crystal structure of a Baeyer-Villiger 
monooxygenase active on large cyclic ketones (polycyclic ketone monooxygenase 
from Thermothelomyces thermophile). On the study of FMOs, the group has 
recently published the characterization of human isoform 5 (FMO5) revealing the 
atypical in vitro activity of it as a Baeyer–Villiger monooxygenase on a broad 
range of substrates, revealing the first example to date of a human protein 
catalysing such reactions; previously, the group provided the x-ray structure 
of a soluble prokaryotic FMO from Methylophaga sp. strain SK1, the protein of 
known structure with the highest sequence similarity to human FMOs.
For more information on ESR2, please visit 
For more information on the 12 individual research projects, please visit
Start and duration of the PhD positions
Fellows preferably start July 1st, 2017, but at the utmost on September 1st, 
2017. The fellowship lasts 3 years.
Who can apply?
• The most important criteria are enthusiasm, excellence, commitment to 
research and team spirit. Educational background preferably in the area of 
(bio)chemistry, molecular biology, biotechnology, biophysics or combinations 
• Candidates need to have completed a European Master’s degree or equivalent 
prior to the application deadline. Candidates have to be in their first four 
years of their research career and not yet be awarded with a doctoral degree at 
the time of recruitment.
• Excellent proficiency in English language. 
• Open for all nationalities. In compliance with the EU mobility rule, at the 
time of recruitment, you must not have lived or worked for more than 12 months 
in the country of your future host organisation in the 3 years immediately 
prior to the start of the PhD project.
• Only applications that are complete, in English and submitted before the 
deadline will be considered eligible.
How to apply?
Your application must be submitted by March 15th, 2017 to
Please, submit the following documents in one PDF document:
- A cover letter, stating your motivation to join the network, and mentioning 
the first two choices of projects you would prefer to apply for.
- Your CV: a one- to two page synopsis of yourself, your scientific interests, 
and of your current research work.
- Two letters of recommendation from former advisors/professors.
After 20th March 2017 we will select 20-24 candidates who will be invited to 
attend the recruitment days, 18 & 19 April 2017 in Amsterdam.
Deadline for application 15 March 2017
Invite/rejection for Recruitment Days 20 March 2017
Selection Days 18 & 19 April 2017
Announcement of selected/rejected candidates 19 April
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 
research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska Curie grant 
agreement No. 722390.

J Rubén Gómez Castellanos, DPhil
Research Fellow

Dept of Biology and Biotechnology
University of Pavia

Mob +39 (3) 711 794 168

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