
Does anyone have any insights into close intermolecular contacts
involving Cl atoms in crystal structures? There may be some basis for
close contacts (~ 2.5Å) in the phenomenon so-called halogen bonding
[ref-1] but this does not explain close C-Cl contacts observed in some
structures for example (among many):

1XVF - monomer B: Thr213-O-gamma - ligand Cl

In this example, there seems to be very weak electron density for the
Cl atom (and indeed a negative difference map peak at 8 sigma). 2HVX
(for example; and a number of others) have a ligand Cl at a difference
map peak -6 sigma.  Are these simply poorly modeled/poorly supported
by the experimental data?  Radiation damage?  Or does anyone know why
Cl atoms would scatter poorly (for some reason that I cannot imagine)?

Thank you for your input.

Mike Gretes
PhD Candidate
University of British Columbia

[ref-1. Lu et al. Ab initio investigation of the complexes between
bromobenzene and several electron donors: some insights into the
magnitude and nature of halogen bonding interactions. The journal of
physical chemistry A (2007) vol. 111 (42) pp. 10781-8]

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