Hi, Dear CCP4 group,

I recently collect one dataset and indexed as P4 space group. When I try  to do 
MR with a tetramer as input, I found the solution file suggested P41. 

SOLU SET RFZ=5.2 TFZ=10.3 PAK=0 LLG=239 LLG=366 TFZ==20.9
SOLU 6DIM ENSE ensemble1 EULER 50.265 0.217 219.800 FRAC 0.50029 0.49916 
-0.00408 BFAC -0.04000
SOLU ENSE ensemble1 VRMS 0.639
SOLU SET RFZ=5.2 TFZ=10.0 PAK=0 LLG=239 TFZ==11.2 LLG=365
SOLU 6DIM ENSE ensemble1 EULER 128.607 179.813 38.677 FRAC 0.49991 0.49905 
-0.00208 BFAC -0.06264
SOLU ENSE ensemble1 VRMS 0.642

However when I did refinement in phenix, I have some trouble getting the 
R/Rfree down. It complains about some twinning or maybe higher symmetry like 
P422. When I apply twin law, h,-k,-l, I'm able to refine to 0.34/0.37 but 
still, hard to continue the refinement. The strategy I used for refinement is 
xyz coordinates, real-space, individual B-factors, occupancies, with NCS 
restraints and twin law. 

So I tried to rescaled into P41212 space group, and run MR again, with two 
chains as an input and found one solution
   SOLU SET  RFZ=4.5 TFZ=9.5 PAK=0 LLG=115 TFZ==10.0 LLG=118 TFZ==10.4
   SOLU SPAC P 41 21 2
   SOLU 6DIM ENSE ET EULER 234.6 0.7 305.0 FRAC 1.00 0.49 -0.17 BFAC -0.14
   Ensemble ET RMS variance(s): 0.96

However, when i tried to refine, the Rfree is high as 0.51 at the first round. 
Does this mean this is not the right solution or maybe some problems with the 
space group?Any suggestions for next step? Thanks very much.

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