I pass the following comment received privately, could be of use to either the Coot developpers (Paul & Kevin) or to simple Coot users (like me).

--- Begin Message ---
Fred, the same thing happened to me the other day. All of a sudden, Coot
simply would not do rsr complaining of lacking restraints. Restarting coot
"from scratch" helped, though. I've never seen this happen before. I don't
think it has anything to do with refmac because I do refinement in phenix.


On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 5:28 AM, Vellieux Frederic <frederic.velli...@ibs.fr
> wrote:

> Paul Emsley wrote:
>> Hmm...  I have not heard of such a thing before.
>>  There must be something with the coordinate file.
>> That would be my guess too.  From what you sent (I didn't see the results
>> of you trying to refine something), it has the symptoms of the residue names
>> not matching anything in the refmac dictionary.
>>  Don't know what though.
>> No, me neither...
> Well launching coot again with yesterday's saved files (.pdb and .mtz) did
> the trick. Don't know why. It all works now.
> Have a nice day,
> Fred.

--- End Message ---

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